Cycles of time and weather... - ID: 1370

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Wascalwywabbit on 23/04/2015, 02:53:49

Cycles of time and weather...

No rush for a change of seasons, but I like the elemental strengths and weaknesses mechanic and maybe something like that could be added for time and weather. I'm thinking after heritage here...

The day and night cycle already effects regen rates, but does it also affect the strength and weakness of certain monster and spells? Maybe stronger vampires at night and weaker ones in day for example? The same could be done for spells, spectre touch for example might make sense to be a stronger spell at night, holy water and repel dead stronger in the day...

Perhaps a lunar cycle could be added at some point too, for both the visual effect of a waxing and waning moon being seen in the sky when facing the right direction for it, and its effect on the lighting at night, but also for use as a mechanic for were-creatures [wolves] et al. I think a two week lunar cycle, one week waxing - one waning, fits well with the compressed game time.

If gijatreg is not an equatorial region in the world we're playing, then maybe seasonal changes could be added for snow covered pines and other visuals, changing sounds of nature, as well as the weather and day length variances. Maybe during rain and thunder storms lightning strike could strengthen, during cold and snowy days hail storm stronger, but weaker in the summer, fire spells more potent in the summer/hot, long days - weaker in winter, and regen and healing spells more potent in spring and summer but weaker in the fall and winter... Encounters could change with the seasons as well... Maybe an 8-10 month year for compressed gameplay time reasons.

Maybe wind effects could be added, both for the ambient sound, and the effects upon projectiles and gas effects such as gas cloud. Maybe of three directions, toward (player group), away (toward monsters) and across; and 4 strengths, no wind, gentle, moderate and strong. Wind toward the player group might shorten the distance of player projectiles and lengthen the range of the opposing monster's by 10' per category of strength beginning at zero effect for no wind. Wind opposite reverses that obviously, and wind across might reduce chance to hit by both player and monsters based on the wind strength -0, -2, -4, -6 to THAC0 respectively. If you like the idea, a change wind direction and maybe a change wind strength spell may be wanted to go with it, maybe one a conjuror spell the other a magician's.

I think those features would be cool, but perhaps challenging to implement, so I'm not holding my breath, just want to express the ideas so they don't niggle and nag at me for wanting expression, and just may give you a good add for game play and financial richness. I'm sure you've thought of it already tho... ;)