Custom classes and racial heritage? - ID: 1304

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Wascalwywabbit on 03/08/2014, 06:53:21

Any chnace we could build custom classes, and mixed racial heirtage? Maybe the more class skills and racial bonuses the higher the xp cost. So for example someone might choose mage but add a higher thaco class and hide in shadows for 50% higher xp required per level, or some such. I'd love to play a Barbarian-Gnome hunter-bardish character or something.

Thanks- I obsess about the game more than my skill at it should suggest.

Also have all the classes been play tested solo? e.g. A group of seven warriors, or paladins? I have kept getting stuck trying to avoid spell casters and thieves. I might be able with hunters equipped with bows only, but no such luck with the other 2 fighter only classes of monk and warrior. Could someone point me to tips if there is a way to beat the game without spells/songs or thief skills?

This game is a group-based game and so is about forming a party with the skills you want. The nice thing about that is you can always add and remove characters as needed or wanted. I tend to change my mind about characters a lot, so sometimes my hunter, paladin, monk, and warrior take turns hacking away at foes.

Along the same lines, the game would be difficult or impossible to beat with all one class. The exception is a group of spellcasters. Wizardz has beaten the game with casters only. But it is hard since some things are immune to magic and some things are immune to weapons -- so a mix is necessary.

You can get away with not using a rogue, but you absolutely need spellcasters. I was against bards originally but now I run with two of them.

Rogues, paladins, and ranged attacks are all esential at some point, as far as I can tell. Havn't yet come across anything completely immune to runed weapons, where is that at? Just got to the dedarant caves and the castle after, still exploring them and the sewers. Bought the expansion recently too but am taking a bit of a break, cause ive kids and house remodelling taking priority atm. The need for range and pick locks is why ive hung up a couple times before. A paladin with the stone sword ill need at some point but not quite there yet. Ive yet to need spell casting or to see it mentioned that it is needed. Three hunters and a rogue with long bows plus a 3 monk front line handles combat well enoguh so far. I did grab a mage to replace a monk to speed up some combats though...

Quote from Author: Wascalwywabbit
Rogues, paladins, and ranged attacks are all esential at some point, as far as I can tell. Havn't yet come across anything completely immune to runed weapons, where is that at?

You might be right about runed weapons, I don't recall anything immune. Some groups of magic-using or stunning creatures need taking out quickly and magic-users are good at that. I've watched in agony as my group of killers get taken out in stun-lock.

Quote from Author: Wascalwywabbit
Three hunters and a rogue with long bows plus a 3 monk front line handles combat well enoguh so far. I did grab a mage to replace a monk to speed up some combats though...

That is a pretty fun sounding set up! An interesting aspect of this game is that you can build a strong party by diversifying AND by concentrating, as you have done. One hunter is very helpful, three is brutal! Just like bards, a bard is really nice especially at the beginning of the game, but two or three bards is amazing.

Monks, I go back and forth with. They are always my favorite class in any game, probably due to their sheer awesomeness in the OG BT. I'm just a little sad about their low health. My monk deals out doom constantly and rarely gets hit, but almost always drops in one hit if he ever does. I know that's kind of the style of monks, but my warrior who has a slightly lower AC but more health can almost always stay alive long enough for me to get a heal off.

Quote from Author: MightyOgre
Quote from Author: Wascalwywabbit
Rogues, paladins, and ranged attacks are all esential at some point, as far as I can tell. Havn't yet come across anything completely immune to runed weapons, where is that at?

You might be right about runed weapons, I don't recall anything immune. Some groups of magic-using or stunning creatures need taking out quickly and magic-users are good at that. I've watched in agony as my group of killers get taken out in stun-lock.

Quote from Author: Wascalwywabbit
Three hunters and a rogue with long bows plus a 3 monk front line handles combat well enoguh so far. I did grab a mage to replace a monk to speed up some combats though...

That is a pretty fun sounding set up! An interesting aspect of this game is that you can build a strong party by diversifying AND by concentrating, as you have done. One hunter is very helpful, three is brutal! Just like bards, a bard is really nice especially at the beginning of the game, but two or three bards is amazing.

Monks, I go back and forth with. They are always my favorite class in any game, probably due to their sheer awesomeness in the OG BT. I'm just a little sad about their low health. My monk deals out doom constantly and rarely gets hit, but almost always drops in one hit if he ever does. I know that's kind of the style of monks, but my warrior who has a slightly lower AC but more health can almost always stay alive long enough for me to get a heal off.

Surviving 40 igniters was a nightmare, required high hp, high ac, luck and sv and a LOT of healing potions, plus musical monks/hunters. Had to last like 13 rounds, to kill them and their 40 witcher/preacher friends (dont remember which) that encounter is when i started leveling a mage while leveling my other guys to handle it.

Monks are awsome if u have an archmage or two- two close combats bring anything into range. Using ur best runes for the monks gloves cause it adds bonuses to both ac and unarmed attacks methinks too. Without close combat or really strong range support and all the melee classes are toast starting at the watch tower im experience, especially when new enemies are constantly added never allowing u to reach their back line.

Range, pick locks, and to a lesser extent, group attacks are really needed, If u dont want the game to be unbeatable it seems. I'm of the stated opinion that all that should be possible thru items, just in case someone else like me dives in with a ill equipped group and gives up on the game entirely. Id really like to see as many as possible enjoy it enough to buy the expansion to support it and future developments.

I totally agree, friend. The key to starting off is getting a few lucky and useful drops. Even just a big sword early on can make a huge difference.