Click to continue option for text - ID: 278

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Cathedral on 01/01/2012, 02:32:42

Way too many times I've missed texts...before I realize they've appeared I've already pressed something which causes the text message to disappear. It would be nice if they were logged, or if you could have an option set to click "continue" or something like that.

I also have the same problem. Sometimes the text is display again when you go back to that place , sometimes it doesn't.

A click to continue option would be welcome :)

Hello everybody,

one-time texts should have a Continue link, whereas texts that are shown every time should have not.
Maybe I missed that at some place incidentally. Could you provide me with the map name by chance? Then I will double-check that again.


I have the same problem frequently - it is hard to reproduce because by definition the one time texts are gone so I don't remember where they were. But I think the problem might be that there is a continue link, but it happens to be in the exact same place on the screen as the movement arrows, so it is easy to accidentally hit continue. You might want to make it a little harder to click through.

Thank you for your feedback.

Remember that you can always move your crosshair / movement panel by touching and dragging it from the symbol in the right-upper corner.


Didn't know that about the direction arrows. I agree with everyone else too. I save a lot so I usually have to restart if I want to reread a text. One example was the message saying I now know more about finding the priest. It happens so fast that I don't know what happens usually.

I've missed a ton of lore this way. On the iPad even if the text says continue, hitting any of the arrow keys advances the text. I'm guilty of being too impatient to "arrow forward, pause in case there's text, rInse and repeat" and more often than not, I've hit the arrow again before seeing more than a fleeting glimpse of text. Maybe a "magic mouth" type things, where you have to type "ok" to advance the text?

I will look into this and make handling easier, promised :-)


I have to agree. I was running around in Annsarborough(sp?) like a chicken with its head cut off because I was afraid I was about to be ambushed by 396 Berserkers or something and came across some text that flashed on my screen. Couldn't go back to see what I missed!!!!  :)

Craig from Texas

Quote from Author: icetear
I will look into this and make handling easier, promised :-)



I'd like to see a continue button at the end of battle and after opening a chest. I often miss what someone has picked up or other things like that.