Changing classes - ID: 204

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Britto on 18/12/2011, 16:59:43

When I change class from conjurer to a sorcerer can I change it back?

Hello Britto,

no, you can not change back!
So either change early (with level 5 preferably) to get access to the advanced spell classes (but without option of turning back), or make sure to learn all 7 spell levels first (with level 13) before changing.


Speaking of changing classes - when I choose "Class Change", my Paladin gets listed among the eligible characters, but when I select her, I get the message "Moira cannot change her class". Is this a bug, or will it be possible for Paladins to change class at a later point? Considering what a Paladin is, it doesn't seem to make much sense to allow them to change class, except maybe to become a cleric ;)


It is a bug, sorry - I will remove Paladins from the list.


Hello Mário,
Thanks again.
See you soon.