Castle Shop. - ID: 1561

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Squiggymonstaer on 31/12/2018, 17:19:47

Hi guys I’m new, game looks wicked, really reminds me of The Bards Tale, obviously.

In Bards Tale though Garth’s shop sold you useful items, good weapons and armour.

The castle shops are very basic, I’m having to equip up using drops, rearwarding but challenging.

Im guessing the shops in the castle never get any better ?


They don't.

You have to find other shops... they exist ;-)

kind regards

After a while you will reach two good shops just past Savage Crossing: the shop in Loch Caetar, which has Healing Potion and Elf Cloaks, and the shop in the Deeper Forest, which sells sniper arrows. Your hunter or rogue will love them. If you're still exploring the area around the castle, you should visit the night shop just outside the castle, and load up on healing balm, antidote, and lamps.

But the shops are almost entirely useful for consumables, like those mentioned above. You will start picking up usable armor (e.g. decent shields and bronze plate) and weapons (axes or day blades) almost immediately. In fact, you will soon be visiting the shops strictly to sell stuff, not buy. By level 11 or so, your biggest worry will be scraping together enough money to buy the new spells your magic users are earning.
