Caster weapons - ID: 614

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Zonaree on 25/04/2012, 19:52:48

Hey my thought would be to give the casters a weapon like in the old dnd games that's a range weapon. They always called it a sling and you could do like 1D4 damage or something but they could at least do something when they are oom or for instance when you fresh start out and have no attack spells

It's in there. Throwing daggers, as well as some other stuff, can be used by casters from the back row. It really does help until you get the bigger attack spells and insane MP pools.

Thanks for the tip. I found that apparently the throwing knives do stack so I can have 10 in each caster so we can do something for the next 10 rounds. I thought I tried them before and could only have 1 per caster >I may have not tried buying more though I can't remember it's been a bit since my first round of the game

You can also equip different types at once (e.g. You have one bronze, throwing knife, one iron and ten normal ones), but they all need to be the same type of weapon - no mixing throwing knives and death stars. It *seems* the best (most damaging) weapon are thrown first, but I haven't been overly attentive.

Fun fact, when selling equipment, extra types don't look equipped even tough they are.

Cool thanks for the tip. Have you found a good place to farm for things like bronze or steel weapons? It would be nice to get a bunch of knives they really seem to help out quite a bit

When you get to the store in the deeper forest look into buying the butterfly knifes. They do more damage and can be thrown up to 20 feet away by your casters in the back row.

very cool Thanks for the tip :)

Why not let the casters use the deathstars? Give them something useful to do when you're trying to conserve their spellpoints.

Castes can use death stars. Just not conjurers and magicians.

Quote from Author: Tagu
When you get to the store in the deeper forest look into buying the butterfly knifes. They do more damage and can be thrown up to 20 feet away by your casters in the back row.

i never know this just now thank you tagu its really amazing when someone share what they know in the game you just help new members here (like me) thank you for the tip :D