Can't get into Burial Mound - ID: 316

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Neomagus on 05/01/2012, 07:39:31

Ok, weird thing here...

I am the burial mound with gwyddon in my party, and I have 4 or 5 mushrooms, but I can't get in. Tried at midnight, and the stills says entrance is shut, find someone who knows about these things?

Any suggestions for me?


Quote from Author: Neomagus
Ok, weird thing here...

I am the burial mound with gwyddon in my party, and I have 4 or 5 mushrooms, but I can't get in. Tried at midnight, and the stills says entrance is shut, find someone who knows about these things?

Any suggestions for me?


I will answer this because it could be seen as a bug.
You need the quest for the Grave Mound first. But Gwyddon will only give that quest to you, if you encountered the guardians in the Deeper Forest (east of Savage Crossing).


- go to the deeper forest, meet the tree guardians
- go back to Gwyddon, get the quest
- enter the Burial Mound at midnight.


I will try to make this more intuitive and usable in the future, thank you for reporting it.

Hi all, i have got another problem here, i did not invite gwyddon since my party was Full and moved on eastwards. When i returned, Gwyddon gave me the Order, but now i can Not take him As a Party member anymore and in my Party nö Character can use the mushrooms? Any help would be appreciated. regards mgep

Quote from Author: mgep
Hi all, i have got another problem here, i did not invite gwyddon since my party was Full and moved on eastwards. When i returned, Gwyddon gave me the Order, but now i can Not take him As a Party member anymore and in my Party nö Character can use the mushrooms? Any help would be appreciated. regards mgep

You don't have to "use" them. Just have one in someones inventory.

Thank you, sometimes it is easier than you think  ;)