Burial Mound Troubles - ID: 1245

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Korbar on 19/11/2013, 19:18:13

I've been working off the Walkthrough posted elsewhere, but am stuck at the Burial Mound. I've mapped the outside of the building, have the cloaks and new bard song indicated in the walkthrough. I've used the campsite to get to evening and walked to just in front of the gate with the sleeping plants. I walk around there until it says midnight in my Settings/Save games. However, nothing I do from there let's me move through the plants without sleeping/dying to the Earth Elemental in front of the gate. I've tried bumping all the walls and stone statues around the outside, tried shatter wall, tried the new bard song, etc, but nothing seems to let me get inside. What am I missing?

The plants give off a strong smell, don't they? But, if you can't smell them, they won't put you to sleep, and the Elemental won't pound you into paste. Look around; somewhere on that map is something that can help you ignore the smell of the plants.

There's a mushroom ring near the farmhouse at the entrance to the map. Around back, there's a faerie ring that will give you a stinky mushroom. Carry that to avoid being put to sleep.