Bug? No shard of nature. - ID: 663

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by He-Goonie on 21/05/2012, 20:33:11

I thoroughly searched the other related posts, but did not see an answer to my problem. I'd appreciate some clarification as to whether I missed something or if there is a bug. I am in the Lost Temple, and gave what I believe to be the correct answer to the magic mouth:


, but I never received the shard of nature from it. I've gone out and back through the hidden maze, and each time I get to the spot of the magic mouth, it simply states "Do not disturb the peace of the grove".

Any help would be appreciated.

After the magic mouth states this, a passage should have opened to the north.

If that does not happen, please send me your save game, because it is a bug :-(


Hi Mario,

I am able to travel north 4 spaces, and then west towards the exit, but I never receive the Shard of Nature.

If this is truly a bug, I'll research how to send you my saved game. Just let me know if this is a bug. Thanks again.

There is a passage to the east, which should lead you to some encounters and finally to the place where the shard can be found.

<ATTACHMENT filename="Bildschirmfoto 2012-05-21 um 23.02.56.png" index="0">[attachment=0]Bildschirmfoto 2012-05-21 um 23.02.56.png[/attachment]</ATTACHMENT>

I been through that passage to the east and killed the Guardians. There is a chest in the next room but I can't open it. It says that trapzap won't work. I've tried forcing it open but it doesn't work.

Do I need a key from somewhere to open this? If so, where to I get the key?

The chest should be forcable by a strong character, might take a few attempts. Alternatively, use lockpicks. There is no special key needed.

Thanks, IceTear. I found it. I had been walking through in the dark so I went right by it!

As for the chest, I had the same issue but found that if I tried forcing it with my strongest character about 10 times or so, it finally opens.


  • Finally*, I have found where the Shard is located... I must say, that darkness is very nasty! Anyway, I do not have my rogue with me and so I used a fighter to force the chest open...
and that was the end of my current game - it instantly killed all my characters!

So I wonder if I did something wrong? I have the Druid's Stone in my inventory. Am I required to use a rogue to open that chest? If anyone can help, please do so! I don't mind direct answers, in this case anyway. Feel free to use 'spoiler' to hide direct clues, if'n you are so inclined.

Thanks, and happy gaming!

EDIT 11/9 - went back through with a rogue and it did work out.