Beyond the Guardians of the Grove - ID: 160

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by calmrider on 13/11/2011, 10:22:04

Not sure if anyone else has managed this, but I killed the 5 guardians of the grove last night and got into the next part of the game. Did it with Shadow Figurine (can't remember the name of the monster summoned), Rogue, Hunter, Pally, Bard (with Frost Horn) Conjurer and Magician. 2 x critical hits first round, (shadow and hunter) critical hit from Rogue 2nd round then finished them off with Frost horn and Star Fire and Battle Strike each round. Anyway, once beyond you get to Savage Crossing where you learn a new bard song amongst other things. I've since ventured into the Deep Forest, Lock Caetar and am now in the Grave Mound. The game looks awesome! I'm severely underpowered since I can't level up any further, but having fun encountering some tough enemies! Can't wait for full release...

Quote from Author: calmrider
Not sure if anyone else has managed this, but I killed the 5 guardians of the grove last night and got into the next part of the game. Did it with Shadow Figurine (can't remember the name of the monster summoned), Rogue, Hunter, Pally, Bard (with Frost Horn) Conjurer and Magician. 2 x critical hits first round, (shadow and hunter) critical hit from Rogue 2nd round then finished them off with Frost horn and Star Fire and Battle Strike each round. Anyway, once beyond you get to Savage Crossing where you learn a new bard song amongst other things. I've since ventured into the Deep Forest, Lock Caetar and am now in the Grave Mound. The game looks awesome! I'm severely underpowered since I can't level up any further, but having fun encountering some tough enemies! Can't wait for full release...

Hello Calmrider :-)

Enjoy it - indeed that part of the game wasn't to be explored until the full version *g*
But if you managed to get through these encounters with only level 6, you have earned it!


P.S. This will no longer be possible because the path after the guardians was changed to prevent moving further in the lite version, sorry ;-)

Made it to the third level of the grave mound with help from my Lesser Demon but too weak to survive for long...heading back to Savage Crossing.

Now stuck at the riddle at the bottom of the ground mound.

Just updated to latest version and found the shop in the Deeper Forest. My hunter is enjoying the Elven Bow and Sniper Arrows. Seems like all the monsters now have a much higher magic resistance, Star Fire and Battle Strike are barely scratching them now.

I just got the "Shadow Figurine" so I'm going to drop a character (probably Bard) and go camp the spot before the trees and try the battle / load game scenario until I can get past this... Good job moving forward!!! Wish there was more in the LITE version. :twisted:


Good luck! The only problem is that Mario has now closed the road between the forest and Savage Crossing so you won't be able to progress any further...

Ahh so if you upgraded to the new patch then you can't progress at all huh?


Quote from Author: Veerwing
Ahh so if you upgraded to the new patch then you can't progress at all huh?


The maps after the forest weren't meant to be explored in the lite version ;-)
But for those lucky fellows who managed to get past the guardians, I let them go on to spread the word of what lies beyond.

As of patch 1.9.3 if I remember correctly, the path was corrected. No advancement past the forest possible anymore.


Yep update 1.93 closed the path. I just made it to The Swamp this evening and found the secret camp and passage but am way too weak to get anywhere. I did find a chest and got some bagpipes that lower my ac by 4. My bard now has an ac of -21 with no spells activated, nice!

Unbelievable you did all this with lv6. Exploring the swamps should have blow your charakters up by the smell already.

I am impressed by your persistence.  :)

Yeah I can't kill anything in the Swamp but I did find a chest behind one of the swamp pools. I've got about 250k xp per character so can't wait to level up once the full version is released!

So far anything I've inputted for possible features or bugs the developers have listened to and followed up if possible. This game is just the type I was hoping would be available for the ipad. I also have verified going past a certain point no longer possible in lite version but still well worth playing. Half of my party is ready for level 7. So far I haven't talked to a fellow ipad user that likes rpg games but I am definitely willing to heartily recommend this game to anybody. Two thumbs up and my thanks for such a good game to the developers.

I finally killed the 5 Guardians... Did it with this combination:

1) Paladin, Warrior, Hunter, Bard, Thief, Conjurer and Magician.

2) When entering into battle you need to have two items, for the Bard a "Frost Horn" and for the Thief a "Thief Dagger."

 *  Frost Horn does approximately 50 to 80 points of damage per target and is an "area effect" which allows you to attack 1 group of monsters.
* The "Thief Dagger" has the following stats, Dmg: 5d10 + 20 with a +2 toHit bonus.
* I found both of these items while farming for items in the "Crypts."

3) The first round should go something like this:

 * Paladin - Attack, Warrior - Attack, Hunter - Attack, Bard - Use "Frost Horn," Thief - Hide in Shadows, Conjurer - Cast - Battle Strike, Magician - Cast - Star Fire.

4) If you can get everyone to survive the first round, then in your second round repeat everything with the Thief attacking... You should at least get 1 - 2 kills in this round.

5) If you're still alive... This last round should do the trick... Instead of having the Thief "hiding" have them use a "healing balm" on anyone that's low on Hit Points.

After killing the 5 Guardians, the pathway just "loops" to the Forgotten Forest. Going back and forth will spawn new guardians so if you're battle-hardended, then this should be an easy "farming" spot for you.


I have the full version and I killed the guardians of the grove, but I still can't go past the spot, it just turns me around...? Is this meant to be like that?
