Best farming areas? - ID: 1045

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Imrannan on 12/03/2013, 02:24:17

What areas are the best to farm for each level? I'm level 13 now across the boards and am hanging out around the two camp areas after the Watchtower. It's not going slow but I know there must be a faster area. Does the game handicap your XP if you kill things in an area slightly higher than you or no? The more I play the more I realize that you guys must spend a few hours farming XP or I'm playing wrong.

I've also seen a few posts where people mention or infer they level up more than 7 characters at once. If this is the case, how do you guys keep everyone around the same level? There aren't 14 classes so it can't just be two even groups you swap between, so you either have to level up with less than 7 characters or there's some sort of way to do it I'm not aware of. Any ideas?

You can only take 7 characters at a time for review, so that's the max for "at once". You can have as many of any class as you like. I am currently running 4 Archmages for example. I often swap at the inn among the characters I have, a bunch of casters and at least one of every other class.

Why do you want to keep your characters at the same level? I find it works best for me to keep their HP balanced. So my rogue is way higher in level than my paladin.

You don't have to go for review when the ready flag is on. I usually wait for the whole group to be ready for advancement before having them reviewed. I admit it is more important to raise levels ASAP for characters who are less than level 15.

As for your question, the forgotten crypt is probably the best grind for characters under level 12. Then the bandits cave. Then the ridge fault (good for Andursteel stuff, although the battles can be tough without Archmages). Once you get rings of destruction for your casters it becomes a pretty easy grind, though. Also consider the sewers, the Dedarant Cave, and as soon as you can, the inferno.