Beacons and Shattering Walls - ID: 394

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by November on 25/01/2012, 19:08:45


Does anyone find this particularly useful? I thought it would be great for traveling and then found that it doesn't seem to work to get back to the most important the mana-renewal fountain. Admittedly, I stopped experimenting with it once I found I couldn't get to the fountain.

Has anyone been able to find ANY walls to shatter? Has this been good to use anywhere?

Quote from Author: November

Does anyone find this particularly useful? I thought it would be great for traveling and then found that it doesn't seem to work to get back to the most important the mana-renewal fountain. Admittedly, I stopped experimenting with it once I found I couldn't get to the fountain.


Has anyone been able to find ANY walls to shatter? Has this been good to use anywhere?

I haven't, and I'm glad I'm not the only one. Sure, the manual states that "magic" walls can't be shattered, but from my experience every single wall segment in the game seems to be magical.

As for the beacon, I set mine right outside the "secret" wall through which you can get to the fountain, and that seemed to work, at least until the last update. Since the last update, the spell just "fizzles" when I try to cast it. I agree that it's not terribly useful - it can't be used as an "emergency exit" from dungeons since it only works outdoors, and it takes some experimenting to find out from where to where you actually can travel with it.

Btw, LOVE your sig file!

Thanks :) It's a quote from the "Jhereg Assassin" novels by Steven Brust, and the protagonist has a rather practical-minded attitude towards his job...

I was able to shatter a few walls. Assuming you guys past the crypt part with Glyndowyn, in that place. It was pretty useful since my new group wasn't really strong enough to look around. I was hoping to use it on the tower with the locked door (silversword?) but I'm still training up my new group.

My wizards don't know the beacon yet but I am a little disappointed to hear it's not that useful. I was kinda hoping to be able to set a number of beacons related to the users level (quest?). I'm sure it's not completely useless though, right?

Hmmm...shattering walls to get past impossible groups (for your level). That's an interesting twist. But wow, what a huge expenditure of magic points that would be to find the right walls.

Yup, familiar the the Taltos series. Such a fun way to approach assassination.

I've successfully shattered one wall. I believe it was in the bandit cave. But that is it.

I've never successfully used the beacon spells and have since ignored them.

Quote from Author: treflip
I was able to shatter a few walls. Assuming you guys past the crypt part with Glyndowyn, in that place. It was pretty useful since my new group wasn't really strong enough to look around. I was hoping to use it on the tower with the locked door (silversword?) but I'm still training up my new group.

Assuming you mean the locked door in the abandoned tower basement, Shatter Walls doesn't work there (I tried).

Quote from Author: November
Yup, familiar the the Taltos series. Such a fun way to approach assassination.

Yes, isn't it? :)

Quote from Author: November
Hmmm...shattering walls to get past impossible groups (for your level). That's an interesting twist. But wow, what a huge expenditure of magic points that would be to find the right walls.

Yup, familiar the the Taltos series. Such a fun way to approach assassination.

Yeah thats how i broke my character in the quest game (getting advanced equip too early) but i still have press my limits to find my boundaries so to speak. Its disapointing to hear the beacon spell is so unusuable. Transporting a group of 7 unruly characters isnt that easy probly! Probly a lot like putting a kindergardener to sleep.