Bard Horns - ID: 489

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Waggledance on 24/02/2012, 00:24:13

Does anyone have a list of the spells that the various bard horns use?

My bard has been fairly useful up until recently, but i'm currently in the Dedarant Tunnels and finding that none of the current horns really do enough damage to be useful. Is it worth swapping the bard out for another melee fighter?

This is all in the compendium - there's a list of items/instruments in there. In my opinion, the Bard has a number of advantages that can't be replicated in other characters:
1) "group attack" instruments, the best I have come across is the Demon Pipe, which kicks some serious bottom.
2) songs: without the songs I am fairly sure that I wouldn't have made it out of some of the dungeons:

    -"traveller's ditty" should not be overlooked, sometimes it's wiser to avoid a fight and live to fight another day.
- "spirit chant" - this can make the difference between having those 25 spell points needed to heal your party and not.

3) Armour and HP - the bard may not possess the high damage or critical hit abilities of some other characters but does have high AC and HP making him/her a good shield for your ranged troops or spell-casters.
4) Narrative - the Bard is your story teller, letting you know what's going on during the journey, it is a "Bard's Tale-like" game after all!

This forum post gives much more detail about the pros and cons of the Bard:
<URL url="">[[<LINK_TEXT text=" ... f=12&t=237"></LINK_TEXT>]]</URL>

I got rid of my bard mid-game. Is there anyone who kept their bard into the late game willing to let us know what kind of songs they get? I know there's supposed to be some kind of spell recovery song, but that's all. That sounded somewhat useful to me but not sure that it would be enough for me to keep the bard.

Quote from Author: November
I got rid of my bard mid-game. Is there anyone who kept their bard into the late game willing to let us know what kind of songs they get? I know there's supposed to be some kind of spell recovery song, but that's all. That sounded somewhat useful to me but not sure that it would be enough for me to keep the bard.

Spirit Chant is the best late game song IMO. It restores spell points fairly quickly (probably extends your spell point supply by 20% or so in a dungeon). I'm not sure a bard is more usefull than a third spell caster though.

the travellers ditty song has saved mi bootie enough times already to make the bard worth it...
also, all the things plasticsword mentioned...

haven't u noticed the bard dude all over this game?
i wonder if that's a mario self portrait???

Quote from Author: zander
i wonder if that's a mario self portrait???

uhm... no :-)

Bards are lame! They don't deal enough damage late in the game to justify their spot. I switched to a Mage and leveled him up. Having 3 arch mages is the way to go. I don't think I took much damage at all in the inferno because once each arch Mage cast their spell everything within 70 feet was dead. A bard cannot come close to matching te spell power. And of you get Sodars blessing one spell does everything a bard can do.

PI meant more that in the guide you purchase in-app, in the list of equipment the bard norms spells aren't clear I.e. If you look at Frost Horm,under spell it says ITEM_FrostHorn, but doesn't say what it does or spell it casts.

Have found bard fairly useful so far, but definitely decreasing in usefulness in the late stages of the game, my monk is also surprisingly poor.

just got my hands on a demon pipe which does killa group damage...
that makes a bard pretty cool for this part of the game... my monk is also kickin some serious bootie with -40ac and smackin round dem monsters with 10 hits per attack...

the most useless character IMO is sadly the rogue, which is usually my favorite... w/o one, i have three magic users... along with my monk, paladin, hunter and bard... rounds out to a pretty darn fun party with music and dancing!

also, just saw the vid for silversword 2, Mario... no, you don't look like the bard dude...
will S2 be available on iphone?

yes, it will!
