Away to improve the game for all gamers. - ID: 171

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Michael Barnes on 03/12/2011, 07:57:18

Hey, I have played with the new version of SilverSword.
And I do like that Mario added more support for voice over.
However I have notice some very small issues with the game.
The first is voice over does not automatically read new text.
I think that for the blind gamers who play this game it would be good to have voice over to read when the text changes.
The second thing that I notice is there was still a couple of buttons that are not label.
I have a website from apple that will help the developer to improve the accessibility for voice over.
Here is the link to the webpage that explains how developers can fix the accessibility issues with voice over.

<URL url=""><LINK_TEXT text=" ... ction.html"></LINK_TEXT></URL>

Hello Michael,

thank you for your suggestions. I will improve the accessibility with future updates.
It is not necessary to send me an email every week - the things you mention are already on my ToDo list :-)


I am sorry about contacting you so much. The reason is when I have try to get other developers to fix the accessibility in their apps they would never listen to any of my suggestions.
They would always come up with some lie on why they couldn't fix the issue.
Even when I gave them the same website that I gave you.
SoI thank you for taking the time to make sure your app is accessible for the blind and low vision people.

I agree. It's very refreshing to find a developer so willing to listen to what may seem like a strange suggestion to some of them. Many of them react with blank incomprehension if not outright hostility. I remember one in particular going so far as to say he didn't want blind people playing his game. Maybe it wasn't his intention to exclude them whenhe first developed the game but once the issue was brought to his attention he was quite rude. And yes, I'm also a blind would-be user. I haven't downloaded the game yet admittedly but I do intend to, hopefully very soon. I just want to make sure I'll have the money after all my bills are paid.

Yeah I know how that is with developers who are not willing to learn about accessibility features for their games.
Something I found out a month ago is it is a standard that apple require developers to follow for the blind users.
The way that the developer could make Silversword more accessible is add a map that has text on it that would give information to the blind where they are at.
He could make different kind of options such as turn on text descriptions of location battle and other things that are important for the player to know so the player could play the game.
Then if a sighted person was to play the game they could play in normal mode and a blind person could play in a text mode of the game.

If I have the needed time and resources, I will add it. Your suggestion is indeed what I was thinking of.


It would depend on how hard it would be to code that extra mode into the game. Right at the moment I can't really figure out where I'm going or what I'm doing. Hopefully he'll be able to make it work.

Yes I do understand that it does take a little time to adjust things for the blind.
But I know it can be done.
If he could get in contact with a few developers of accessible games then I think he will be able to learn how to do this.
I would be willing to beta test for him on the accessible mode if he would add it.
The cool thing about me is I would do it for free with no question ask.
I mean he would already be doing something for me which is make the game more accessible for the blind.
I believe he should join the audyssey gamers list so he could talk with blind game developers and blind gamers.
The address for the gamers list is.
<URL url=""></URL>

And if we can get more would-be blind users to come on over here. I have the game now and while I can't yet figure out what I'm doing I see the potential and so I don't see the five bucks as wasted. And given the amount of content five bucks seems pretty darn reasonable.

Hey, Brian.
Like you was saying on the gamers list he is open up to accessibility.
I don't think it was a waste of time and money too.
I like the game and can see great things for thins game.
Yes that is also another reason why I tell the others on the list to come over here since alot of them have the game.

Now if I could just figure out what to do. I've got characters but everytime I try to move I hear a grunt and voiceover says ouch.

Yeah having something that will tell a blind player what they are runing into would be great!

Needless to say I haven't made any actual progress because I can't seem to go anywhere LOL. I see a camp fire to the north and that's it.

That's the same thing that happens to me.
I get walking around and I don't know if there are anything to do such as shop, talk, fight, or where am I at in the world.

This topic has been addressed. Please refrain from discussing it over and over again.

Thank you for your understanding