Anybody care to update the Wikipedia article? - ID: 1520

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by icetear on 16/01/2018, 09:47:50

Hello friends and dear players,

this is a humble request for your support. The wikipedia article for the game is somewhat outdated (<URL url=""></URL>). I am reluctant to edit the page by myself because I am a bit... prejudiced ;-)
But if somebody would take some minutes time to add more information, I would be very happy!

The page lacks information on the expansion as well as the additional languages (german, french). In addition, voice over support for the visually impaired could be mentioned.

Anybody out there? :-)

kind regards

I made a few edits, adding info about the expansion and translations, plus more info about game play and the game's five star rating on the app store. Happy to add more as needed.

Great work! Thank you very much! :D

Best wishes

My pleasure. Should I add something about your trip to Tenerife? :lol:

Perhaps later... ;-)

One of my favourite pictures is here...

<ATTACHMENT filename="1 (1).jpg" index="0">[attachment=0]1 (1).jpg[/attachment]</ATTACHMENT>

Wow, I thought it would be all sun and sand, but this looks like a rainforest. Gorgeous picture!

Updated the Wikipedia article again, noting it was a PC Magazine Editor's Choice. They wrote that "it's the excellent support and updates from Silversword's passionate creator that make this an Editors' Choice, and an example of what a mobile app should be." I couldn't agree more!  :)

Thank you very much :-)

kind regards