Ability to use bluetooth keyboard for movement - ID: 163

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Armegedeon on 21/11/2011, 19:55:45

Would it be possibe to allow movement via a bluetooth keyboard in the full version of the game?


Quote from Author: Armegedeon
Would it be possibe to allow movement via a bluetooth keyboard in the full version of the game?



Hello Tom,

by now, the support for external keyboards is not the best (from a developers point of view). Checking keypresses and using them in an app is possible only with severe tricks and workarounds.
So I am sorry to say: I won't support bluetooth keyboards until Apple gives me practicable means to do so.



Sorry to hear that bluetooth support is a technical challenge, but the being able to use the original keyboard commands would be an absolutely awesome edition.

I'm afraid my kids don't get why this game is so absolutely fantastic, but I'm a serious addict.


Awesomeness that this has been implemented in the mean-time!

The manual/compendium could do with an update, though. I marked the required changes in bold-italic: <QUOTE>[quote]Turning this option on will activate the bluetooth keyboard support. The
following keys are available:
W - Move forward
S - Move backward
'Q - Turn left
E - Turn right
A - Move left

D - Move right'


<QUOTE>[quote]“Cancel“ is activated by pressing “c”

I think "x" is now used for "Cancel".

Not sure the part about uppercase letters is still true. Haven't found a single occasion yet where a uppercase letter was required.

Thank you!