A short list - ID: 569

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by ragnarock on 02/04/2012, 21:02:19

1) Better Log sorting. It is fine to have a category based on location (which seems to be the case now), but we should also have by date. And we should have a space at "the top" where we see the last couple entries.

2) Better guidance on quest completion. There are a few places i have noticed so far where it is too vague as to "what happens next". Spoiler Alert :

when you get the shard from druids tomb, it is very unclear what you are supposed to do with it. it would be helpful if gwyddon appeared and told you.

3) Melee fighter scaling. Melee fighters are a bit underpowered in general, compared to casters. They just don't scale well. This may be intended. However, within the category, some things are just abysmally unbalanced. A L13 monk hits for close to 200 barehanded. A L13 Bard hits for 12, wielding a Bardsword. Fine, so you can say " but a bard can sing" yeah...but that does not make up for the difference. 20 times difference is just stupid. The same thing largely applies to rogues, albeit once a rogue has a rogue dagger the ratio goes down to 5....but that is still pretty bad.

4) little things too: why provide monk weapons at all in the game, if they all suck compared to bare hands? Just to screw with unobservant people? is that good design?

5) The magic system is pretty cool, specifically the fact that you progress through different schools of magic, but again, there are some oddities.

a- Shatter Walls should apply to walls that have some sort of visual clue that they CAN be shattered, or it should not be castable
b- Open Eyes. I bet this is never used by anyone. Have you ever asked why no spell costs just 1 sp? If there is any reason to doubt that a spell is kinda lame, but you cannot get yourself to remove it, then make it 1sp. Spell point inflation and gold inflation are both indicative of places that need some tuning.
c- ugh...i'll come back to this, there are too many little things here..

6) Enemy casters. The fact that higher level casters are so damn powerful may be pleasing to us users, but it is simultaneously annoying that certain enemy casters are unfightable in particular conditons. Until your own casters have reached the exactly right spells, a single orc shaman is unbeatable starting at 50' or further. The same thing is true of Igniters. Now, i am not opposed to the "spell and counterspell" design in general, but this is too extreme. There should be some way a group of L16 melee characters can destroy a lone orc shaman. Right? Maybe change the way "advance" and "charge" work?

7)Balance, balance, balance! All of a sudden, in the second or third area away from the initial ruins, enemy groups are composed of upwards of 10. One quickly realizes that without a couple leveled casters with the latest spells, you are totally screwed. Why not just make us a LITTLE bit screwed, not totally screwed? For instance, in the Bandit Lair, there is no way to progress unless you can fight 18 tough lizardmen at one time. Everyone who sucessfully completes this realizes that Spoiler Alert:

you need to use Farther Foe and lots of AoE spells, or you are doomed

, but one has to see that if you don't have those spells, then even 8 of those same lizardmen will kill any party under L12. If 8 will kill you, why make 18?

8) This leads to the resurrection. Resurrection costs too much. Yeah, you might say, that's because they Bring you back to life, But i'm talking about from a game design perspective. If resurrection costs too much, then the user is led to just go outside of the world, and use Save and Load. A LOT. This completely blows immersion. Later on of course resurrection costs are not so bad, but this is due to the flaw of Gold inflation. Once you fix gold inflation, come back and fix temple service costs.

Eh, i'll stop for now. It must be said that i'm only going on because i care, and it is a great game as it stands. Well done!

Hello Ragnarock,

quite a list :-)
I will evaluate these things thoroughly!

Thank you very much for your efforts!