24th of November - ID: 512

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by dnewman31 on 04/03/2012, 02:00:16

Has anyone else figured out how to do anything here other than reload from a save? I just end up stuck when I go there.. I figure there has to be something else we are being told by the paint our faces with ember part... No luck deciphering it though.

I don't even know what that is about. is that how to get past the orcs in annsharbor or is it to get into the temple? and where do I get the embers?

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Quote from Author: dnewman31
Has anyone else figured out how to do anything here other than reload from a save? I just end up stuck when I go there.. I figure there has to be something else we are being told by the paint our faces with ember part... No luck deciphering it though.

Yeah, I'd really like to know what this was about too. I never did figure it out. I assume you went to the 11/24 (or maybe 24/11) drainage in the sewers. I did, and all that happened was that I got a message that I probably shouldn't be there and then I was trapped.

An ember is a hot, glowing, coal - did anyone try using a torch there? A torch has a flaming end so could, tenuously be called an ember? The torch light hence could "paint the face" of the characters? I would try myself but my game is still not responding post-Muzriel.
Alternatively, it could be a reference to lava - perhaps when one dies in the lava a character falls on their face - hence having painted their face with ember?

Heyman had this to say in another topic where this came up:

Quote from Author: Heyman
If you visit this place at midnight a magic mouth appears. The riddle is "To whom do you pray?". Not sure on the correct answer. Any ideas?

I've been trying all sorts of things, scoured the manual, etc.. Haven't been able to figure it out yet.

Quote from Author: PGrove!_43
I don't even know what that is about. is that how to get past the orcs in annsharbor or is it to get into the temple? and where do I get the embers?

It appears to be some sort of side-quest or something. It doesn't affect the rest of the game (or at least doesn't hinder it). You do not need to find it to complete the game.

I found the solution for the magic mouth. It's rather obvious, once you think about it - who is responsible for the new cult springing up in Annsharbour?

Maruziel, of course.