"All Attack Foes" option in combat - ID: 273

From Silversword RPG Wiki

FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Cathedral on 31/12/2011, 23:21:24

If you know you're just gonna slug it out with a group of enemies by having your guys who can attack (melee &/or ranged depending on how they're equipped) and the people in the back defend...can we have a one button option for that so we don't have to cycle through 7 people choosing attack and defend?

Hello cathedral,

I will think about this option.
It's a fine line between making things too easy and removing wanted annoyance... ;-)


Thanks, it would save my thumb from the repetitive motion of tapping on attack...lol. And this is coming from a prior Blackberry addict and a person who had to undergo carpal tunnel syndrome treatment.

Hi Mario,

first of all I want to thank you for your great work (in your spare time). It was one of the best christmas presents this year ;)

But to the topic. I want to side cathedral. Back in the 80ies I was pretty annoyed by clicking attack, attack, defend, defend... :shock: and it was not by developers purpose. If you could implement an all attack button, it would feel like a long awaited relief  ;)

Best regards DQ

Convinced ;-)

The new command will be "Charge!" and will only be available if you face one enemygroup.
It will come with the next update (2.04).


Merci :)

Defenitly a useful thing. I third it!