Sewer shrine issues - ID: 1673

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Thalen on 16/01/2023, 06:08:03

I bought this game years ago, got stuck, and forgot about it. Came back to it late last year and have been burning through it. Does remind me a lot of “The Bard’s Tale”, although that had the opposite problem that this game does in a lot of places: you could use the “cheat-y spells” almost anywhere, so you could skip huge chunks of the game and sometimes not even know it, whereas here the wall-buster spell, just as one example, is so rarely useful that it’s simply not worth trying at all.

Anyway. Not why I’m here. I’m here because I finally got stuck again, this time much later than I did the first time, but damn am I stuck. I am wandering the sewers looking for the entrance to the temple or shrine or whatever. I have run headfirst into literally every wall. I have found two secret areas, including one that seemed like it was going to be what I was looking for but ended up being more or less the exact opposite. I found a spot where I figured the answer must be (it’s the only place in the sewer with an actual description, and ‘clean water’ seems appropriate) but I have bashed my head against every. Damn. Wall. Within twenty squares. Over and over. And gotten nowhere.

I finally gave up and looked at the walkthrough. It says to do exactly what I was doing.

I looked for other messages about this here. None of them say anything different.

What am I doing wrong? Is there a switch? Is there an item I need to be carrying? Do I need to feed the elephant a cheese sandwich?


The area with the clean water is indeed important, but it depends on WHEN you visit. You’ll find an entrance there when you are sent to look for someone specific.

The guild master will tell you to seek out Brother Rectus once you have collected all four shards.

There are several secret areas in the sewers, but only two are really important if I recall correctly: the clean water place, when you are sent there, and the stairs up to the city, which isn’t really hidden. (One place can be entered only at midnight, but all you get there is a sword of moderate power.)

If that doesn’t help, provide more detail on how far along you are in the game and what exactly you’re searching for.

<QUOTE>[quote] but all you get there is a sword of moderate power

I will tell the blacksmith.

That’s the problem, it was made by a blacksmith. My sword was made by a silversmith. :D

I am confused, because you are saying that I am sent to see Brother Wossname when I already have four shards, but I have retrieved only three (nature, spirit, creation) but am pretty sure I was told to go find him for the fourth. If that’s not right, then where is the fourth? The walkthrough also seems to think that I see him and he sends me to get the fourth.

I must be remembering wrong. I thought it was the guild master, sorry.

The entrance is where you thought, in 6/66, across from the Tarasz passageway. In the square where the water seems fresh, move east. I’d attack a map but the server doesn’t have room for more images.

Tip: you visit here more than once. Be extremely careful when you come back. Walk slowly and do not enter if you sense evil. After the fourth shard, you are sent to get something else. Save your game after getting it.

I went there and there was no door there. So I left the sewers and came back and there was still no door there. So I left the sewers and came back and talked to the guild master again and got the same message I’d gotten before again (instead of getting the short “go find Rectus” version). This time it ‘took’. If I had to guess, I would say that seeing the guildmaster when at least one of your shards is in the bank rather than on your person is a bad idea.

So. Annoying.

I’ll bet you’re right. The game must check your inventory for shards and give access to the door if you have them all on you. Glad you got in.

BE VERY CAREFUL GOING BACK. Save you game before going back to the sewers.