When is Midnight? - ID: 1613

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by HoosierDaddy on 06/03/2020, 22:07:14

So I’m in Loch Caetar and I waiting to get into this grave mound at Midnight like that Druid Gwendolyn (sp?) told me to. So I get over there about dark and wait all night, checking the time by saving the game, and it never says “midnight” so each time I try to go in the flowers make me sleep and the earth elemental buries me (literally).... can I get some help on this?

Midnight is between evening and late night and doesn’t last long. I believe if you turn the sound on, there is a chime of some sort as the clock strikes 12.

The smell of the flowers will overcome you. You need to find something to cover up the smell.

And the grave mound is tough! Make sure one of your casters has Farther Foe!

Oh Wise Visstar,

Once again, thank you. Sounds like I need to beef up my crew before me try to go in the mound.

I need to turn on the sound
Before I go in the mound
Should I bring a hound? :lol: (aka summoned wolf)

What level casters?

Also while I’ve got your attention…

I saved some lizard people from orcs and they were very happy does that mean if I run across lizard people again we will be friends?

A hound in the mound? Zounds!  ;)

Still, it might be good to have around.  :)

My suggestion is both a conjurer and a magician who have reached Level 13. Some say you should build up their strength and go on to higher levels before changing classes, others say change class ASAP to get more spells. “Infinite are the arguments of mages.”

You will eventually be helped by the lizard people, but they are not all good. The evil corrupting the land is infiltrating everywhere....

P.S. I forgot that you may be seeing your local time instead of game time on your screen. Look in the bottom right hand corner and tap the time display. That will toggle between your time and game time.

Game time follows a pattern of something like: Dawn, Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Twilight, Evening, Midnight, Late Night. (Or something like that!)

So I found some pungent mushrooms, is that sufficient to cover the flower smell. Does every party member need some “equipped” or just one. How long will the pungent mushrooms last?

I think one is sufficient for the party. Memory is a bit fuzzy, just restarted a new game and haven't gotten that far yet.

One thing I remember is that there is a town to the east with a few shops. Every time you enter and leave a shop time advances a bit, so you can enter and leave to speed up time until midnight. (WARNING - do not try this with Inns!) Once midnight hit there was enough time to run over to the mound.

One mushroom is enough and it lasts forever. You can even put it in the bank and retrieve it later if you want!  :)

I never noticed time of day changing going in and out of a shop! Interesting. I always thought it was weird that I never had a shopkeeper :D tell me to hurry up, it’s closing time.

Quote from Author: Visstar

I never noticed time of day changing going in and out of a shop! Interesting. I always thought it was weird that I never had a shopkeeper :D tell me to hurry up, it’s closing time.

It's not an exact "step in one time of day and step out at another time of day", but it does seem that entering/exiting moves time faster than walking around or standing outside. Maybe it's all in my head! But it seems to work, and I used it for the few time-specific events in the game.