Cap of Resolution - ID: 1552

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Logan459 on 19/08/2018, 05:54:38

Everyone mentions the Cap of Resolution in the southwest corner of the Shafows of Mar. but everyone fails to mention

the ‘deadly force to the west’

that protects the chest. How do I get around it? Not having much luck.

You can approach it safely after ......

Casting the DC spell "Guardian Angel." You'll know it's working if each character in your party has a gold star, showing they are protected.

P.S. I long though the Cap of Resolution was a meh item -- nice, but not good enough to use in place of a Sorcerer's Hood. However, I learned in my last play through that you can use a Sorcerer's Hood when it is not equipped! Now my Dragoncaller has the +5 ToHit bonus of the Cap without losing the ability to cast endless free Mage Maelstrom spells. Adding the Cap and setting his stance to Offensive makes him very, very dangerous using the Staff of Storms from the 5th slot where his low AC is not a problem.

It's still kind of an odd item -- "made for casters" but with no real advantage to the caster. The +5 toHit is great for my Dragoncaller with the Staff of Storms, but most casters would not really care; the +5 AC bonus is nice but not a big deal when you're in the back ranks and have a sorcerer's hood; and the +5 save bonus is nice but casters already have the best saving throws.

Regardless, my Dragoncaller now has the Cap equipped and loves it!