Does new game remove save games? - ID: 1527

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Pediatron on 21/02/2018, 19:10:05

Hi, It's been quite awhile since I have played and I've forgotten most of what I had done during the game. I was thinking about starting over, but don't really want to commit and lose all my progress. When I click on NEW GAME, it says all progress will be lost. In the manual, it seems to imply that saved games are kept even if one starts a new game. Just checking.

No save game will be removed.
It -might- be that games that are too old cause errors so be cautious. But this should only happen if the save game is really old (> 2 years).

The "all progress will be lost" means that you won't keep any items that you might have bought from the ingame shop because a shiny new party will be generated in a shiny new world ;-)

kind regards

You have multiple slots for saving games, so use them -- just be careful remembering which is which, and don't overwrite an advanced party with a new party accidentally.