Guild master - ID: 1491

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Jakjon on 30/10/2017, 20:03:43

I have visited the thief guild master and keep getting message “ office is not manned at the moment” I have tried at midnight and throughout the morning. I defeated 4 elements in inner sanctum. I think I need to see thieves guild master to continue. Any suggestions.

I believe you are talking about defeating the elements in Horon's Sanctum. When you defeated the water elemental you got some sort of token. On the way out of the Santcum, just southwest of the entrance, that token allows you to cool the lava and retrieve a shard of the silversword. When you return to the thieves guild carrying that shard the guild master will give you your next task.

I will have to go back and visit. I certainly did not end lava flow. Thank you

It worked. I missed the one space. Now on to brother rictus thanks