Plane of Earth Crumble Help - ID: 1487

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Joe99 on 30/06/2017, 19:21:35

It seems that the various Plane monsters keep stumping me. What is the best approach to defeating Crumble in the Plane of Earth? His Stone attacks knock out my party members faster than I can Soften them. Crumble is immune to Hesitation. I tried filling my ranks with summoned creatures to act as targets, but Crumble Stones them long before I can defeat him. Any advice, tactics, etc. would be much appreciated.

Quote from Author: Joe99
It seems that the various Plane monsters keep stumping me. What is the best approach to defeating Crumble in the Plane of Earth? His Stone attacks knock out my party members faster than I can Soften them. Crumble is immune to Hesitation. I tried filling my ranks with summoned creatures to act as targets, but Crumble Stones them long before I can defeat him. Any advice, tactics, etc. would be much appreciated.

Hi Joe, I hope you defeated Crumble and have proceeded by now. My memory is vague on this, as it's been a while, but here are my thoughts.

If it is a physical attack Crumble is using to stone you, use Farther Foe or Zyrak's Trench to push him out of melee range and pour on the damage with spells.

If it's a breath weapon, explore ways to improve your saving throws. Absorb Magic, maybe?

Either way, I would concentrate on pouring on the damage as fast as possible rather than healing characters as they are stoned. Presumably you have two archmages casting Armageddon, a Dragoncaster with Wrath of Dragons or Dragon's Fury, and a bard with a Horn of Sodar. That's around 8000 damage points per round. (If you don't have a Horn of Sodar, go back to a good hunting area like Horon's Sanctuary and grind till you get one!) In melee range you should add another 2-3000+ per round minimum. You could also have a rogue hiding in the shadows with a Demonwand.

Unless one of your two archmages is stoned, ignore it and go on attacking. Once one archmage is stoned, have the other one cast Softener ASAP. (I don't think Restoration or Grace of Sodar cures stoning. Divine Restoration and Potion of Divine Restoration might.) Having an archmage cast Armageddon over and over will end the fight a lot faster than having him or her cast Softener. Just make sure to cure any Archmage who is stoned, or you could end up with no Archmages and no way to cure stoning after the encounter!

Unfortunately, I can't go back and fight Crumble again so I can't be sure, but I think this will work for you. Good luck!