Unable to open chest - ID: 1448

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Visstar on 05/10/2016, 21:32:53

So by pure luck I made it into the hidden temple in the sewers and killed the evil entity (not via wizardz' advice, though!!) and am trying to open the chest, but not all the buttons on the chest mini-game work. 7 of the 9 flags red/green but two stay solid red, mocking my thief who has 99% chance to open locks. Is that a bug or does it mean something?

have you tried using a lockpick?

Quote from Author: icetear
have you tried using a lockpick?

A lockpick?? I bought one of those on day 2 and tossed it weeks ago, completely unused. I thought they were for parties without a thief. I keep getting messages that no one in the party can loot, so I toss less valuable things like magic carpets and Sodar's eyes, which are so common I think they pave the streets with them. :-)

Quote from Author: icetear
have you tried using a lockpick?

P.S. thanks, if I can find a shop I will buy one and go back at midnight and try again.

Well, I'll be! The lock pick worked. Thanks! I got the fiery avenger, but I'm not blown away by it. My Paladin already has an Iron Dayblade which is a better weapon. The fiery avenger offers Save +5 but his save is already -7. No clear reason to switch weapons.

By the way, the locked door in the east of the temple district is one reason I dropped the lock pick. I run into things like that and it does not help (nor does the dietrich or the Shatter Walls spell) so I figure, Why carry it around?