XP from monsters who summon allies or call for help - ID: 1435

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Seeing-Eye Dragon on 18/06/2016, 18:17:00

Please can you confirm whether or not summoned creatures and monsters who "join the fray" if one of their group successfully calls for help count towards the XP of an encounter?

It seems to me that they do but I let a group get up to around 80 members (hunters in the Deterranat caves), and I only got 13K XP per member when they were all defeated. There were also a few other types in the encounter as well.

Additional monsters should not give you more xp.

kind regards

Ah, ok. Thank you.

I've used orks that call for help in water top to gain massive exp by using farther for spell each time they come to 10ft. I let them build to 50-100 In number and cast 2-3 Armageddon spells at them to get over 100k exp each time.

hm I will have to check this again, sorry ;-)