Finding the forest that leads to waterTp - ID: 1427

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Seeing-Eye Dragon on 20/05/2016, 08:26:38

I have purchased the expansion. I cannot find the forest that leads to water top so that I can buy alchemy and the other skills available there. Where is this forest please?

northwards in the forest map

You should try find answers in older threads before making a new one

I posted this because there are no topics that answer my question. I'm sorry if I wasn't clear but I still don't have the answer I need.

I know that the way to Watertop is near the north of the Lost Forest. I just don't know where the Lost Forest is. How can I find it? Does it have another name in the game?

In the forest map there is a path leading north, it is blocked by living tendrils until you get the proper quest.
The path leads to the "Lost Forest" map.

kind regards

Ah, so the entrance is in the main forest map. I hadn't realised it depended on a quest.

Just as a hint, I'm at the Castilla Artonsa at the moment. Am I near to the part of the game where that quest is available?

Yes, the next step will lead you to the lost forest map.

kind regards

Excellent. Thank you very much.