Help! stuck in inferno (post game) - ID: 1321

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by femaiden on 06/11/2014, 11:36:02

<QUOTE>[quote]the thing with the secret walls... sort of another minor complaint i have...we are given a spell that "reveals secrets" but in the last half of the game, all the secrets are invisible even with sodar's eye cast.

whats the point of a spell that reveals secrets if it doesn't reveal the secrets?

Right now, the "Reveal Secrets" spells are not powerful enough to beat Maruziels dark magic.

kind regards

kay....i'm confused what happpened to the rest of my post asking for help on how to,escape the inferno after beating it the first time....i'm still stuck in there and can't get out.

uhm I am confused as well... :shock:

had to restart the server, but can't explain this data loss :-(

as for the inferno - there is another exit. Try searching this forum, the question has already been answered.

Quote from Author: icetear
as for the inferno - there is another exit. Try searching this forum, the question has already been answered.

yeah?...well i can't find the answer. no offense, but that's annoying when i ask a question and people just tell me to "seach for the answer"
in the time it took them to type at me to look for the answer myself, they could have answered it.

i only found one other thread with an "answer" and the answer they gave is "you're stuck forever, you can never escape now"
if that's the case, then is a serious game flaw.
i mean, yeah, i technically beat the game but now wtf....

Have you tried this one?

<URL url=""><LINK_TEXT text=" ... 4930#p4930"></LINK_TEXT></URL>

If that does not work, I will provide you with a map.

kind regards

Quote from Author: icetear
Have you tried this one?

<URL url=""><LINK_TEXT text=" ... 4930#p4930"></LINK_TEXT></URL>

If that does not work, I will provide you with a map.

kind regards


thanks...i dunno why i couldn't find that thread when i looked. i've actually come across that thread when i was loooking for something else.