Road Warrens & Thieves - ID: 1278
From Silversword RPG Wiki
FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs
This topic was started by Tom on 02/04/2014, 21:11:14
Post by Tom on 02/04/2014, 21:11:14
I have been all over Annsharbour and heard horses but can't find them. In need of assistance! Additionally, I have been to the SW corner and can't seem to find the thieves! Anything will be helpful! THANKS!
Post by wizardz on 02/04/2014, 23:31:59
There are four sectors of Annsharbor. In the far SW corner of the Market District there is a ladder down to the Thieves section of the Sewers. From what is 4 squares N and 1 square E of what is the SW corner square, go W, S, S, S, E, S, W. Then go down into the Sewers.
The only horses you can use are in the Thieves area of the Sewers.
Post by Tom on 03/04/2014, 01:35:38