New Player - ID: 1249

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Ss3th on 12/12/2013, 16:12:47

Ok so I have finished the old Bard's Tale new release and I got myself an IPab Mini just for this game because I'm wanting more! After starting a few times to get a hang of it I then spent a good amount of time re-rolling characters to get some high stats and I'm ready to do my first leveling. My question here is this:

     It seems that the most important high stats would be CN and IQ as these will gain you the most health and spell points. The skills on the other hand will only raise 4% without any modification. So when leveling a Rogue for example would it then be best to make sure that the CN gets to 18 first asuming you rolled a 17  rather then raising DX or LK because if I understand this corrctly by the time you get to 18 25 18 18 25 no matter what route you take all your skill levels will be the same regardless? Now from what I understand that an early DX raise will protect you better along the way but the end result is all the same as your AC should be the same?


If you are going to spend the time re-rolling, you should re-roll until you get a CN of 18 for all character types, and a n IN of 18 for all spell casters or potential spell casters (Rogues you want to make into Dragon Casters later). Other than that it's a question of how patient you are. I have more than once rolled characters starting with 4 18s and 1 17, but never seen 5 18s. I usually play any character with 84 total start points. And yes it is important to re-roll level ups until you get the desired next stat increase. This, of course is just my opinion...

A higher DX gives you a better chance of hitting before your opponent, and yes, a higher DX gives you a better AC.

Wizardz thanks for your insight!
