Silver mountain, hidden spaces - ID: 1183

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Marc on 08/06/2013, 07:40:17

When I cast the vision of a dragon spell I notice a lot of hidden spaces I cannot reach. What am I supposed to do to get in there?

Be a little more specific. All the places are accessible u just have to go everywhere. The dragon vision spell is great, but it also kinda deters u from finding stuff

There are so many small and bigger areas that I cannot get in, I cannot describe all...I bumped into EVERY wall definetely, so I assume that I either miss a certain item, miss a clue or have the wrong order.

Until the Silver mountain everything just went perfect, but now I seem to fail big time. My party is streng enough to beat every monster easily, but I totally ran out of ideas what to try next. I wish we would have a complete Walk through as we had from wizardz because than I would be able to check which step I probably missed.

Since then I obviously will have to quit because my Family runs Out of patience... :mrgreen:

On the northwest corner of the mountain there is a tunnel . Check all walls that are near water and you will find it .

Thanks Odin,

I guess you mean the tunnel to goldstone. I was there already. But once you cast the vision of the dragon spell in. Silver mountain top i find lots of places that i cannot reach.

My fundamental problem is that i cannot get entrance to the gate of planes. Thats why i assume that i missed something in the Silver mountain...

I'm having the same problems you are on silver mountain . I can't seem to find those same areas . My adventurers are tired of searching .

You don't need anything from Silver mount to enter the planes. All you need is to hatch the baby dragon recovered from Ridget Fault/Dragon tower.

Thanks, I will look for the dragon then. Where can I find him?

Go to Ridge Fault and then the Dragon Tower.