Questions from a hopeless grinder - ID: 1178

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Crocket on 31/05/2013, 14:00:22

Thoroughly enjoying the expansion, and most appreciative of all the help people can find here! I live grinding and leveling up characters so much, I think I've over explored new areas that I've learned about on the boards, without focusing attention on the quests within each region. Brilliant, I know!

I have a few questions:

RUNES: We learned early on about the importance of silver runes. I now have several electrum runes and a mithril rune.
A) Where can I rune items with there higher level runes that Savage Crossing can't handle?
B) Are there particular items we should or should not rune with these? There are certain items that appear to come once, and I'd hate to find out that I "ruined" an item with a rune that is useless or ineffective against the boss it was intended to help us defeat. (I'm thinking mitril on axe of souls would be nice!)

AREAS - as stated before, I know I'm map-hopping out of order, mostly to grind old characters and develop new characters. So as I got frustrated in magic draining areas in the mines, I just left without going below LVL 2 (and I've read how deep I need to go)...moved through silver top, but haven't the right stuff to get into the training centers...though I did pick up a circular thing and a mithril rune. Some of those birds can kick your ass! More to accomplish here...Picked up the assassine and some gourmet mushrooms in Dunkeloch, though there is one spot that appears to be automatic death for the party. What's up with that? I think I finished the bone house, where I got both a spirit condenser and the axe of souls, though I'm pretty certain I failed to get the first of 13 spirits in the basement. (How do you know you have accomplished this? Do I need space in inventory, or a slot open in your party?) Also an area of immediate death south of the bonehouse. Didn't find Coast lands as awesome for grinding as others, but iron valley and crystal sea and bonehouse have been rewarding. Those pirates were a real bitch! (I'm starting a brand new character to be my super DC, so I'm going against all convention from the DC thread, and leveling up a warrior to convert with high HP and attacks for a fire staff.) Haven't found any speedy boots yet either.

All that said, I know I haven't grabbed a symbol of evil from the mines, nor the symbol of good from tranquil...and I haven't had the dragon alliance to enter the planes, nor have I entered the chamber of secrets...but I obviously have enough to get me through around areas. (One DC with 310 SP). I have a miners key, a dragon key, a dragon claw, dragon scales, a circle thing, etc...maybe I'm reading too much here to focus on one quest! Should I go back to start with the mines? Any general order I should try to grab things or finish areas would be wonderful. (And I'm waiting for Wizardz's expansion walk-through!  :) ! )

Thank's y'all!

Any ideas for enhancing the replay value of the game are greatly appreciated :-)

Kind regards

Runes: Mario changed it so that silver runes and above will hurt the werewolves. So you can't really screw up your weapon if you use silver runes or above on your weapon. You can enchant higher runes in the Dwarven Stronghold.

Areas: You're all over the place. You need to focus on one quest and finish it. I hate grinding personally as I rather level up as I do quests. It's best you finish the mines first before moving on the soul collector, then maybe silver mountain. As for the soul collector you need to face the grave and use it. It will add the soul to your inventory and I think the souls stack. FYI, not all graves have souls to collect. You'll have to back track through all the areas you've gone through to find them all or there was another thread that lists all the graves sites.