Silver Mountain Top Chest - ID: 1126

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by SonnBoy99 on 29/04/2013, 00:27:39

Ooooohhhh no! Don't tell me that! Was there anything important in the chest?

It has

a Firestaff -- nice back row weapon, but not critical to success

There a chest at a house that says "no one is home". Any idea howntomopen that chest?

It is: the circular device, hope you used it to unlock the chest before trading it in!

This really ticks me off. Why make us carry a bunch of stuff we think is useless until the end of a game??? I just wasted all this time and I can't get a good weapon because I had to deposit stuff in my bank. Silly me thinking I would be able to port and get my stuff when I need it. This makes me want to put this game down indefinitely

Based on your other post, you didnt make it into volcano, so you should still have or have not yet gotten the circular device, as it is on the way into the volcano (You need to go through the doors where the chest we are talking about is).

For me, I carry all the newer items I find around until I know what they do, just seems like a good idea.

That is somewhat reassuring. I have been stuck here for 2 days now, I can't get past the rocks, and no one is ever home, and I can't teleport out. I despise this portion of the expansion!

Yeah, I found the only thing that worked here was to set a dragon beacon outside this area. For me I set it in the center of silver mountain area, so the recall of arsyth could be used to get out. If you don't have one set, you will probably need Mario to fix your game for you, as he offered in the other post.