What does the dragon egg mean and how to get it? (ANSWERED) - ID: 1007

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by miniwheat1974 on 21/12/2012, 21:19:40

ok, killed maruziel, got the egg, placed egg in its cradle,
now i am waiting for what? for it to hatch? for an expansion for this game after Christmas? what is the next step?
thanks again mario
looking forward to more.

I believe you're now waiting for the expansion.
Congrats. I hope you had as much as I did.

loved it, after getting frustrated and eventually quitting on bt1 and bt2, on iphone, after never getting through it on my c64, some, gosh, 30 years ago? geesh!! i was playing b21 and had the clue book while i was getting my oil changed and i told the attendant who asked me what i was doing, and i said i was playing a game from my youth, from the 80s, and he said, i was not even born yet. funny.
anyway now we wait for mario, cuz noone else has anything out there like this.

I had a similar experience.
I remember playing Bard's Tale 1 back in...1988 or so.
I must've been 13. I played it for an entire summer.
I didn't realize how much I loved that experience until the iPhone came out and I started seeing pocket RPGs that resembled BT. I looked and searched but didn't find anything exactly like it. There was a game called Dragon Bane that was similar. And I enjoyed playing that game. When I first tried Mario's Silversword, I was so excited. That was over a year ago. It was pretty buggy then. I gave it another shot a few months ago and wow, what a trip down memory lane. I've been a huge fan since. Thank you Mario!


What Trendar did not say is Mario's working diligently on the expansion. It is not yet ready for prime time but promises to be even more fun and challenging (plus nostalgic). As I said in my other post, for now, you can continue to build your team in the inferno. Gather the best weapons, armor and runes. If you don't have at least one character in your party and the inn of each class, add the ones you're missing and bring them up to your current party's level. Be ready for the expansion.

Well... I beat Mazuriel. But I did not get the egg. When I walk into the chest right after M, it takes me to Savage Crossing. Do I need to go back into the Inferno. I guess so because it won't let me go back the way I came from.

Game on!
- Corey

If I'm remembering correctly, the dragon's egg is in

the dragon tower at ridge fault

not in the inferno...

I thank you for the advice, but now I have been through (what I think is) the entire tower in ridge fault... Several times. And have not come across the dragon egg.

Anyone have any advice, guidance or flat-out spoilerage for a frustrated fellow silversword?


You need to step into the lava fields --probably most of them--in the tower to get to whenever you get the egg. Many of them, if not all, teleport you to other areas of the tower. If I remember all this correctly it is a painful search. Have you tried walking on all of them?

Hmmm, maybe I am "digging in the wrong place!"

I am in the Dragon Tower (at least I thought that is what it is called)... I took Ridge Fault, found a few diamonds (on first visit down here actually), found DragonBone arrows, equipped Paladin with Stone Blade to gain entrance to (what I think is the) Dragon tower.

I have not come across any lava in this area. Am I in the wrong area of the world?

Game on!
- Corey

Sometimes in life you need to take a leap of faith.... There are more specifics on how to find the egg in the forum. Try the magic carpet.

I've mapped every square of Ridge Fault and found the Bone Bow and Bow Arrows. But can't find the dragon tower anywhere. I've found the pedestal with the riddle about equipping the Stone Blade to enter the tower but I can't seem to find the tower anywhere.

Can someone point me in the right direction.


Try walking on air ...


I'll give a little more (i.e., less mystical) as I also had major problems with this area. And while I did appreciate other players taking time to respond, the mystical responses did not help... until I found what they were talking about and THEN they make sense! But until that time some of the hints here seem to make no sense. Hindsight or some such...

Without giving too much away,

there is a wall you must kick before you can walk on air.

I found it quite by accident (or perhaps ignorant persistence), having been through

the area east of the tower entrance

at least four times prior.

I must say, after playing this game for what seemed to be hundreds of hours last fall, I have now played perhaps a grand total of about 5 hours this year! Perhaps I am just not dedicated enough, but it becomes frustrating having to head to the forums after spending hours bumping around wall after wall, in the hopes that someone posted something about getting where one is trying to go.

And to top it off, I still have not found the Dragon Egg! I am stuck

in the Dragon Tower, managed to stumble my way through the three floors and accidentally find the secret wall, then got completely pwned by the darkness and lava combo! At least that is what I think happened, it was so fast!


Not sure at this point if I will ever finish this game. Which sucks, because it is so well written, and reminds me of the fun I had playing Wizardry (especially W8!). But it is/was often too difficult to want to continue.

Still, good luck all!
- Corey

I will add SECRET tags to the passable walls with the next update.
Nobody should need to bump every wall.

If you encounter walls that are not yet tagged with a SECRET (i.e. your rogue or a certain spell will NOT say "A secret is near"), please let me know and I will change that.

Kind regards

I've managed to find the secret wall by jump bumping into every wall and the walking on air part was easy. But really I would like to play a game that doesn't requires looking for answers on the forums besides strategy type posts.

Now that I'm in the lava section of the dragon tower here's another complaint, sorry Mario. I'm playing in legends mode and can only save at the camps. In the lava section, it's just plain old trial and error on where to step. In regular mode you can just save, step, and if you die just reload. In legend mode, you have to reload and run back to the Dragon Tower all the way from the ruin camp.

Mario, these type of game play elements just make the game frustrating and not fun in the least bit. There is no skill involved besides dumb luck. Please don't include these types of game play elements in the expansion. I love the rest of the game though.

To end a long post, can someone please post the steps to make it through the lava section of the Dragon Tower please. I'm so tired of reloading the game for like the 10th time now. I found the first 3 steps, N, S, S, not S.

<QUOTE>[quote]I will add SECRET tags to the passable walls with the next update.

That is a cool idea! I was thinking back to Wiz8, where a character with a good Senses score would announce hidden items. Or in D&D terms, an elf would have a chance for an auto-Search check when passing by a secret door. Your idea mimics those kinds of features.

Thanks Mario, even though the game play can be frustrating at times, perhaps the coolest feature is that the designer loves the game and is always open to feedback.

Game on!
- Corey

You need to go up inside the tower to find the lava fields.

The first seven steps should be revealed on a certain square (a new log entry) before you enter the lava fields.
I will add the other steps in the next update, so that you have the chance of getting the whole path.

I intended the legend mode to be played after or besides the classic mode - and I know that some places are practically impossible to survive without previous explorations. If you have other places that you would like to have changed, please let me know.

Kind regards

There were some parts that I needed to look at the forum for help, but the dragon tower as Mario mentioned does tell you the path minus about one square. The darkness and dispel parts are just one or two squares. ..try relighting after moving out of the space. It's hard to believe you can through the entire game and get stuck on what I thought was a pretty simple part!

I've finally made it past the first 8 steps. The reason why I didn't find the clue is it's possible to head down into the lava before finding log entry that gives you the first 7 steps. Maybe the clue needs to put somewhere so it can be found before allowing you to head into the lava.

Anyways, I finally got the part where you have to answer "Glacier". At the next cross hair section, I seem to be stuck. Taking the N, E, S path teleports me to lava land and instant death/reload from ruin camp(fun :)...NOT! ). Taking the W path teleports back into level 3 of the tower. I'm not sure if I screwed up anywhere leading up to the "Glacier" magic mouth.

Any guidance from that point would be appreciated.



Anyone get past this area? I'm stuck here and really want to finish this so I can say I finished the game :).

From where you land after answering 7 million go S and answer glacier. Go S then E and you teleport to another 9x9 area west of the one you were on. Go W then W to teleport to the final 9x9 area. Go E, S, E into the lava. This will teleport you into a new area where you can find the egg. The exit from the sarcophagus is to the east.

Advice: fight all the combats in the final new area and do not step into the void.

LOL I feel like Gandalf in the mines if Moria....I have no recollection of this place! Where the heck is ridge fault? Mario I commend you this expansion really makes you work. I don't remember this egg whatsoever.

It's right south of the Watchtower in Mountain Ridge. From the Ruin Camp go south to the Road to Castle..., then go east to Mountain Ridge. Then search the area to the south of the Watchtower, you'll find the Ridge Fault.

Thanks sonn. Now all I have to do is figure out where it goes. 3 pages here about the egg, noone says where to put it lol

It goes in that locked room you found the door to early on in the game...