Where to go with L10 party? - ID: 741

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Splint on 24/09/2012, 17:27:17

Hello everyone,

I just cleared the grave mound level 1 and feel a bit stuck at the moment. I currently see three unexplored areas on the map: Grave mound level 2, the bandit hideout and the lower part of the mountain ridge (after climbing down the boulders). None of those three areas seem doable for my party at this level. There's also the ladder in the druid's grove, but I can't descend it yet, as well as the area in the deeper forest where a guardian tells me I can't pass.

Any pointers as to where I should go next?

If it makes any difference, my party consists of:

Ba 198 HP -17 AC
Wa 193 HP -18 AC
Mo 115 HP -16 AC
Ro 106 HP -17 AC
Hu 156 HP -14 AC
Ma 52 HP -9 AC 95 SP
Co 52 HP -5 AC 87 SP

All characters started with ~75 points.

PS: Mario, if you're reading this: Thanks for making this wonderful game!

Hey Splint,

Of course I am reading every post :-)

Thank you very much!
If I remember correctly, there are plenty of posts that may answer your question.
I am sure you will find help in this forum - we have wonderful members here!

Kind regards

i'd suggest going south from Savage Crossing and exploring the area east of the road where it jogs and you have to walk through the bushes to make the jog. This is where you find the Bandit's Cave, which should give you plenty of battles to level up your team.

Next time I'd recommend starting with higher rolls, say 84 or more, because the extra points really enhance your characters. You also want them to start with 18 CN for fighters and 18 CN and 18 IQ for casters to help increase HP and SP as you go up levels. The end game probably takes a minimum of 600 HP to play and more comfortably 900.
To maximize HP for classes who do not have CN as a primary stat you need to get total stats to 104. And then get CN to 24, so then you can get +26 (or so) HP per level. Any way you look at it, you need a lot of XP which you get from winning lots of combats (or I guess taking the mystery herb to Gwyddon 50,000 times). You can start to increase CN to 24 for Warriors and Paladins immediately since CN is a primary stat for them.

Thanks Mario for taking the time to reply and thanks a lot for the advice, wizardz! I went to the Bandit Hideout and gained two levels within a few minutes thanks to the encounter on the bridge. I planned to go back to the grave mound, but taking out that huge group of enemies in the bandit cave is so incredibly satisfying, I might just keep doing that for a while.

As far as my starting stats are concerned, is the endgame doable with a sub-optimal party like mine? It's still early in the game so I'd rather re-roll now than later, but on the other hand I've grown quite attached to my adventurers and I'd prefer to keep my current party. I might swap the Rogue for a third caster, though. He justt doesn't seem very useful compared to everybody else in the group.

Yes, you can do the end game with a sub-optimal party. It will just take you longer to be strong enough to do it. The first time I played through I only used 2 casters and a party of six. You might want to look at the first part of my walk through. It is an overkill party methodically working through the game. I never had to resurrect a character. And I found some pretty awesome equipment.

At this point I'd advise you to roll up a new character or two that start with 84 or more points with 18 in CN. Run them with the rest of your party in the Bandit's Lair. They will advance quickly. Then you can do the same again and bootstrap your party to what is optimal for you.

My favorite mix is (but YMMV)
Arch Mage (caster)
Arch Mage (caster)
Arch Mage (caster)

Remember to hide your rogue the first round and hit from the shadows after. The critical hit is awesome once he gets high enough to stay hidden. Some chests are a pain if you don't have a Rogue.

You can complete the end game with an Arch Mage and a Hunter or Paladin (party of 2) if they are high enough level.

Thanks, I really appreciate the help! I'll do what you suggested and level up a few characters from scratch in the bandit cave. One last question, how many max HP does a monk get on levelling up (not counting CON bonus)? I really really love that monk, but it seems that he's getting left behind HP wise.

Monks can be fun, but they do lag because of the fact that they take longer between levels at 230,000 XP per level versus 200,000 XP for other fighters, and they cannot use the better weapons or very much of the better armor. After you get their CN to 24 they can gain 18 HP per level (they get a max of 8 plus CN-14 to a max plus of 10). This info comes from the Compendium, which I highly recommend you buy from the in game Shop--it's cheap and supports future game development, and no I don't get a cut.

IMHO, Monks would be awesomely better if they could do critical hits, but they are fun as they are and they can carry lots of extra arrows for your archers until you get the Bone Arrows.

Hint: Once your casters are somewhat self sufficient, take just them and your Monk to the Bandit's Cave to boost the Monk's levels quickly. I like to keep my Monk's HP similar to my other fighters'.