Cant find Egg? Need Help! - ID: 669

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Montag on 27/05/2012, 09:02:18

First off, great game. Very impressive and brought back a bunch of memories...

Im really confused here and basically stuck and could use some help.

SPOILER ****************************

I "won" the final fight and headed off towards the Dragon place. I entered Ridge Fault. From Ridge Fault I entered the Dragon Tower. I made it all the way to the final chest surrounded by Lava. That chest can not be opened by any means Im aware of. What I did NOT get was the egg people are referring to on the boards here. Im not sure how I could have missed it. If the Egg is not the reward for finishing (ie making it to the final chest that you can not open) Dragon Tower I really dont understand what the Dragon Tower was all about.

I reloaded a saved game and explored more of Ridge Fault thinking the Egg might be found there. No luck. I did manage to find another Diamond, a Ruby, and the Demon Pipes that I did not have when I made it to the final chest in Dragon Tower. Were those items needed in Dragon Tower at the end to receive or find the Egg?

There are clues about not awakening the Guardian in Ridge Fault...maybe that is something Im missing? But if I am, im still totally stuck because I cant think of anything else.

Im pretty sure Ive bumped into every wall in Ridge Fault to make sure I wasnt missing anything else.

Ive had a blast playing this game over the past few weeks (much to the detriment of my wife) but have totally hit a block here and Im getting frustrated about 1.) not finding this Egg that people are talking about because I dont know how I could have missed it 2.) getting to the final chest in Dragon Tower only to not get any type of "reward" and not even being able to open the chest.

Heh, so please, for the love of all that is Good, will some kind soul please fill me in on how I missed this Egg and what I can do to get it and finally totally "finish" this game?



There are two chests that can't be opened at this time, I am sorry.
The "final" chest is one of them.

The next update, which is already waiting for review by Apple, will fix this, so that you can go on.

My deepest apologies