Need Help at the Beginning! - ID: 671

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by The_Dude on 28/05/2012, 11:55:33

Its crazy but I cant find the secret Path to the south or the hidden stairs just at the beginning of the game. What is my mistake? My Rogue says : "There a stairs nearby." but i cant find them. I suppose Im to silly for this programm. Can someone help me?

Bumping walls is a GREAT way to discover secrets!
Also, keep in mind that sensing a nearby secret doesn't guarantee that it is accessible from your immediate location.
You may have to explore a bit first.

Oh,oh,oh...! I´m bumping for 3 hours against every Wall and Tree I can find! Nothing happens. Than i left the starting ground and went to the old Watchtower. And there I found the secrets!!! Either I am stupid, or the game is illogical!
Now it precedes......
@ Mejilan: Thanks for your reply.

Yep! If you were sensing the illusionary walls, stairs, or chest within the castle walls, then you have to access them from outside the castle grounds! Good times! :D