A couple of starter questions - ID: 599

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by carbon_dragon on 19/04/2012, 14:57:15

What does a wineskin do? Doesn't do anything for me, but I get the hint that it might be a bard item and I don't have a bard.

What is a deathstar. It seems to be a weapon. My mages use throwing knives and keep about 5 each. My rogue uses a composite bow. If this deathstar is a throwing weapon, is it worth using?

I'm still trying to train enough to be able to even handle the local area. So far I can 't quite do it. I've found a few chests but the best thing I've gotten from them besides money is a polearm. No healing balms in the stores as far as I can tell. Did I miss a store? Training is really expensive. I never played Bards Tale, but did play Wizardry and Might and Magic. It's kind of awkward that you have to grind to get enough money to train for the spells you can cast when you rise level.

It's funny, this game as well as Wizardry and Might and Magic (as well as AD&D) start out with incompetent characters and rise to really powerful ones. Modern D&D as well as games like Skyrim start you off as competent and you rise to very high levels, but more under control. Not sure which is more fun but it's great to play the old fashioned type of game again.

A bard can't play when parched. I believe a deathstar is like morning star or mace, but has a range.

Your comments indicate a feature request - images of items when you select them in the inventory, and better descriptions of what that are for and their capabilities.

I always thought a deathstar was like a Chinese throwing star. IMO The bow is more useful for your rogue at this stage if you can keep up with the arrows because of the range but the dmg on the death star is very good.
The wine skin is for the bard - they can sing as many songs as they have levels then get parched and have to drink to keep singing.

There is a store that sells healing balms

It is just south of the city and only open at night

Don't worry about falling behind on coins at the beginning there is plenty of gold to be had. I took my mages up past level 13 before being able to afford the level 7 spells and in the long run it really pays off archmage levels are very hard to get.

Hope that helps and good luck.

Can paladins have two prayers running simultaneously. I managed to afford the second sodar prayer (the defense one) but there is no second icon running when I try to cast both prayers. Am replacing the first when I cast the second? If so, it seems like paladins have a lot more spell points than they can use.

Yes because the first increases to hit bonus and second increases defense. If you bring up your character screen and then click the arrow to go left ( instead of right where your inventory and spells are) you can see the bonus you are getting in the various categories.

Thanks for you help!

Relmore, I think you are right about deathstars.

Deathstar is a weapon that allows the rogue to attack from the back row (positions 5-7). If your rogue is in the front 4, it's mostly unimpressive except at the very, very beginning.

However, don't sell them! Sorcerers can use Deathstars, and the little extra damage piles up over time. (You will need about six on a character to make it through fights)

In my experience, bows are really a hunter weapon, allowing them to take down mages at 80' with critical hits. This will start being a reliable tactic as your level goes into the double digits. Rogues benefit from bows in the very early game, as advancing though shadows is a pipe dream, but by the time you get a Thief Dagger (8-ish?), bows go right out the window for them. Bards can use bows, and it's probably the best thing for them, but they're dead weight when attacking no matter what they equip - just make sure they have AC, HP, and keep singing all the time. And keep a horn handy. I think the overhead of going through arrows twice as fast isn't justified by the meager increase in flexibility.

Not that bards are bad, btw. A single bard supports every member of the group through their songs, making you last much longer in dungeons.

Ok. So I haven't been playing very long and am already stuck on a couple things.
1. At the watchtower I can't get the guard out of the prison a
2. Because I can't get the guard out the game won't let me move on past the next

You have to kill the Orc leader at the far end of the dungeon right next to the prisoner.

To do that you need to

Which requires that you use the rusty bar from the dungeon in the graveyard south of the viscous trees past the castle secret entrance. The rusty bar lets you pry open a secret door