Sage advice from a proud finisher! - ID: 593

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by Crocket on 16/04/2012, 05:02:04

Well, I finally found that bitch Maruziel, and dispatched appropriately! 78852008 XP! What an incredibly enjoyable game! Thank you Mario for what has been not just a terrific nostalgic trip down memory lane, but a much improved version of what I loved from 20 years ago, and by far my favorite app since getting an iPad! Heck, one of my favorite games I've played in recent memory, period!

I know some of you have been coy with newbies on the boards, so in keeping with the spirit of the board, I won't ruin anything TOO much...but I will answer a few of the questions which no one answered for me as I was progressing:





My winning team included a warrior, paladin, hunter, monk and three archmages. I wish I had more guidance as I was creating my team, so what I would say is this: Magic is might, so level up your mages the right way. I honestly wish I just went with four mages and three warriors, or two warriors and a paladin. You'll never regret having extra spell points, only regret not having them, especially in the inferno.

My warrior was level 72 before the final fight, and truly untouchable - killing at 1500-1800 per round, and that was before the silversword (andursteel katana instead - I never found the hittori hanzo). I was swayed by the boards to level up a monk, and I must say, that was truly a waste, and bad advice. Low HP's don't hold up well in lava. My paladin was kind of a waste, up until getting the stoneblade. At that point, damage points were meaningless with a guaranteed stoning each time. I also thought the paladin spell points were helpful in resurrecting members in Inferno. Based on that, I would lean toward a paladin, but definitely grab a warrior as your stud melee.

I wish I knew how awesome the silversword was in regular gameplay - but once you are gifted it, you are on a one way road to hell. On the bright side, bumping the right walls will bring you back for a rest, or spell point fill up, if you don't want to burn harmonic gems or divine potions.

This was noted elsewhere, but through a potential bug, you can get multiple siverswords. It would be neat to see if my Paladin had the same guaranteed death results as he had with the stone blade. Same question for the other charcaters - heck, it would be neat to see how a mage would fight with one.

Hunter had critical hit, and ranged damage with the andursteel heartwood bow. I did not regret having the hunter, but she was not critical to winning.

I played without a bard, and without a rogue. So you can definitely win without either one, though it would be neat to see what all the horns I collected along the way could do.

I XP grinded in the swamps for a long time. I wish I had pushed through the sewers and up to the city, which is even better XP, and Paradosa/castlilla were just grand for that as well. But if you don't have the right firepower, grind in the swamp, because it is easy to get back quickly to savage crossing, and you can reload your spell points once if you have access to the hut. BTW, identify your best spells, and use them every turn during grinds, as you reduce the cost overtime, stretching your SP budget!

I posted this elsewhere, but if you want to develop the best mage, level 13 across all five classes, but take a bizarre turn: before graduating from your second class (either magician or conjurer), I would recommend grabbing another 10-20 levels. It is the cheapest place to grab HP's and SP's (200K per additional level), and maxing out potential level ups before each save at the training halls. Once you hit 25 in IQ and DX, get to 24 in CN for the max HP's...and then re-roll, and re-roll...not only were the SP's crucial down the homestretch, but the extra DX and AC buff were the difference, as my other two lev 13 archmages were getting wiped out regularly. Hence the notes from others - if you don't have a killer mage (Mine had 1093 HP's, 1064 SP's), you'll probably need some other ways to resurrect the dead.

I took a great deal of time rolling for characters, and if you're going to grind as much as I did, taking over 100 hours of game play to finish, make the character worth your time. All of my characters started with a total/cume charcteristic points of 85-88. This took time to accomplish - but do it! Luck of the roll can leave you with less than half of that.

Finally, use the mapping tool. I like the sticky note tab on the map, and it was critical in finding my way through the final maze. Touch all the walls, and watch your map as you go. I wrote down a few clues that don't make the log - helpful for magic mouths...

Fabulous game, and great sense of accomplishment! After figuring out a bug at close, I look forward to exploring a few new areas I've read about on the boards. Thanks to Mario, and all of you for giving us help and tips along the way! And thanks to my team of Silversword dominators:

Derrick Rose, Human Warrior
Maximus the Gladiator, Dwarf Paladin
The Mockingjay, Barbarian Hunter
Neo the Matrix, Dwarf Monk
Obi Wan Kenobi, Elf Arch Mage
Harry Potter, Elf Arch Mage
King Aragorn, Human Arch Mage

Hello Crocket,

thank you very much for your message and for sharing your experiences with the rest of the board :-)
I am really happy that I succeeded in bringing old memories back!

Kind regards

Your advice has proved very useful so far. I rolled for ages to get the starter stats for my party. My three conjurers have recently been promoted to magicians at level 15. However, there is one point that I hope you might explain further. You mentioned re-rolling when you change classes and utilising the save and reload features. As I said, my conjurers have moved to magicians but no opportunity for re-rolling was given. Does this just occur at higher class changes? And if so, how do I bring the save and reload into play? If you could
Shed some extra light on the matter I would be very grateful.
Cheers, Nojart

I believe Crocket means re-rolling each time you level up until you get a "good" hp/mp/stat combo. This is especially important after class changes because you get a sudden surge of level ups.

While this is great advice, you can be pretty reasonable about it and still beat the game. I mainly focused on good mp and getting dex (by the time I finished my archmages were about 40-50 dex). HP didn't concern me as much because I had a monk in the party ... if someone was going to die from low hp, it was her! I had 600-700hp on the casters by the end, who were about 13/13/18/13/9 in level. My monk was under 500hp

Hi Syro
Thanks for your reply. I did experience lots of level-ups as soon as I moved from conjurers to magicians. Almost after every confrontation in the Burial Mound. As far as I'm aware, I was not given the opportunity to re-roll. The crowd at the Training Hall just informed me of improvements in my statistics. No button that I could see. Does this happen as you shift to sorcerer? Or is there something I'm missing? Please enlighten me. Cheers. Nojart

Wow! Sussed it. Don't I feel like a numpty. Thought the numbers given at the Training Hall were fixed not random. So you save on the outside and load to that point if the guys fail to give you the figures you are hoping for. Think I must have been experiencing some kind of brain freeze. Just glad you told me it wasn't absolutely essential to beating the game. Ah well. Better late than never I guess. Better get back to creating some decent mages. Got annihilated when I opened a door on the second floor of the Mound! Happy that the penny dropped finally. Thanks, once again, for your comments Syro. Please keep the advice coming even if I am a little slow on the uptake at times.
Cheers, Nojart