Total noob question - ID: 510

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FORUM: Guides, Spoilers and Walkthroughs

This topic was started by joezoey on 03/03/2012, 12:59:09

Just started the hell do you view/change/swap equipment?

Also in the compendium there are level 2 spells. Guess you can't learn them at level 2 though?

Also, what's that secret that burkhardt alerts you to next to the symbol of the pawn in town? I'm intrigued, but there's no way to get to that door.

You can manage your inventory by selecting a character, then clicking the right arrow in their screen display. From there, you can view, equip, drop, trade items.

In the compendium, under Acquiring New Spells, you'll see an explanation of how new spells are only gained on odd numbered levels, up to 13.

I believe you're referring to the Roadwarden area, which is a knight symbol. There is indeed a secret near there, but you'll either need to access it from elsewhere or use a helpful spell, which you probably don't have yet.

Thanks! Also, I have got to the area in deeper tunnels where it references a secret door but I have used trap zap everywhere and it hasn't revealed anything. Am I going about this the wrong way?

Edit: solved it, nvm. Wondering about the attack damage of weapons, I never played end so the terminology is confusing, like what is 1d8, 5d2?

d equals 1 die (i.e. half of a pair of dice). The number after d specifies the number of sides (and thus the number of possibilities) of the die. The preceding number specifies the number of time the die is to be rolled. So 1d8 equals roll one eight sided die, producing a number between 1 and 8. 5d2 equals roll a two sided die five times, producing a number between 5 and 10.