Archmage exploit in Silversword? - ID: 1609

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by chrlpolk on 14/02/2020, 03:35:38

I remember powergamers talking (Bard's Tale) about waiting to take the Magician or Conjurer class as the final class change. The reason for this was because you level up these classes so quickly that your saving throws make the character nearly immune to magic. For instance, a Wizard at a set experience point amount would have a lesser saving throw than a Conjurer at the level afforded by the same experience amount. You lose out on some accessories, but the saving throw gimmick is more than worth it - so they say.

I never did it myself (for RP reasons), but I was curious if anyone can verify whether that hack works in Silversword?

It took me a minute, but I get the appeal. Once you hit level 13 as an Archmage, a million XP only gets you about 3 levels, whereas the same million XP would get you at least twice as many if you were a conjurer or magician.

It might be possible. In Silversword, you cannot become an Archmage unless you have mastered at least level 3 spells in all the other classes. So you would have to become a conjurer, e.g., for five levels, move on, then eventually go back.

The part I don’t know is whether an archmage can go back to a lower class. Maybe I’ll try it out.

This was a strategy for the original Bard's Tale, in which the "archmage" was merely a title and not its own class. In Bard's Tale 2 or 3, like in Silversword - I only chose Archamge after learning all the other magic class spells, so I never saw if it was even an option. When I first changed classes in Silversword, I was curious about whether it would work, but didn't want to risk gimping my character if I couldn't go back.

I suspect if the requirement is that you have to learn spells from all the other classes, then it won't work, because I don't think you can return to a class.

I've also read that the Remastered version of Bard's Tale 1 has altered the XP tables and this trick isn't as viable anymore. It's best to end on Wizard, seems to be the consensus.