Stat Leveling Upgrading - ID: 1558

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Glarnak on 09/11/2018, 23:02:53

I’m at a point where my mages have 25 con, int, and dex but 18 str and luck. Stuff I’ve read before says to plug points into Dex. Should I get str or luck to 25 first or does it matter for mages?

Been a couple of days with no reply. Forum dead?

Mostly dead, but not quite.  ;)

IMHO dex is the second most important stat for mages after intelligence. (Some will say Con, but I feel mages make up for modest HP gains by leveling up so often, staying out of melee, and becoming essentially immune to magical attacks after a while.)

In other words, I would definitely start upgrading dex so they attack earlier. Having your arch mage attack first will often be the difference between a decisive win and one where you have to spend a lot of spell points on healing, etc.

Alrighty got my archmages to 40 dex. Is there any benefit yet to leveling con or int over 25? If not it seems after Dex is maxed it really doesn’t matter where the rest of the points go.

There are advantages to both, but your casters are pretty far along and won't see the full benefit.

Upping CON means more hit points. The advantage is obvious, but as I explained, I think mages make up for getting low HP per level in other ways. Even without high CON, my archmages have always had the most HP in the party and rarely need healing.

Upping INT means more spell points. Again the advantage is obvious, and I would go this route, even though you can often make up for low spell points with rings and gloves of force, a bard singing Spirit Chant, and harmonic gems, (Warning: harmonic gems are great, but don't rely on them. They are reasonable rare, and you will want a couple on hand in the Planes.) Also, if you concentrate on a handful of useful spells, like Restoration, Farther Foe, and Sodor's Wrath, you will eventually master them and reduce the number of spell points needed to cast them. This will take a looooong time, though.

Quote from Author: Glarnak

Alrighty got my archmages to 40 dex. Is there any benefit yet to leveling con or int over 25? If not it seems after Dex is maxed it really doesn’t matter where the rest of the points go.

No, there is no real benefit to leveling Int or Con above 25. 24, actually. There may be modifiers to the difficulty of enemies resisting your spells for Int or for your saving throws for Con, but if so, they are not relayed to the player in any way. You don't gain bonus HP or SP for raising Int or Con above 24, which is the real reason they're so important to raise early in the game. I would 100% raise them to 24 ASAP (for Con ASAP isn't actually all that soon, since it's not a primary stat) but after 24, Dex is definitely more important than either. Once Dex is maxed, I'd go with Luck. It may not be actually useful, but at least it's not demonstrably useless as Str is for casters. Not that it's a big deal, your casters will have all stats fully maxed at 30 and 40 long before any other characters.