Electrum Rune - ID: 1517

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Christian on 19/12/2017, 07:35:09

What type of object can you use these for, anyone know?

You can put the electrum rune on most weapons (+4 to hit) or armor (+4 on AC and saves) but not all runesmiths can do it. You may need to go to the one in Karilan Andur.

Note that the electrum rune is one of the best there is and quite rare, so don't waste it! I would not use it on anything less that andursteel armor, and waiting will you have armor of forgus would be even better. (I always put gold, electrum, and mithril runes on armor for the saving throw bonus.)

Thank you!

Speaking of runes, I noticed that some items (such as Firestaff) don’t come up as an option in my inventory when I go to the enchanter. I can’t imagine that I won’t be able to use that great weapon on monsters which require silver+ enchanting.

Am I missing something here?

Not all items can be enchanted/enhanced by runes.
This is intended.

Oh ok... thanks!

I forgot how to reach the enchanter in Karilan Andur. Can anyone remind me?

Do you mean the guy who can add runes to things? If so, you need to go down into the mine where the carts are, and set the controls to 112.