Greetings and Salutations - ID: 1505

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Makarios on 07/12/2017, 23:54:52

Hail friends!
I realize I am coming very late to this party but I'm glad that I stumbled upon this game and don't know how I've missed it for so long. I've been playing for just a couple of weeks now and have been hooked from day one. As a Gen Xer with a family of my own now, the days of sitting at the computer for long hours is simply out of the question but a game so reminiscent of the classics that I miss, on a very handy app, has brought me back to those days of staring at the monochrome screen of my apple IIc computer, and being transported to another world. Thank you Mario for creating such a wonderful place to be carried off to!

So as I have poured over these forums to get my bearings, both before and during my experience so far, I have noticed that there is no longer much activity, save for a few that have posted recently. The information from the early Silversword community has proven extremely helpful to this point however, especially the walkthroughs and guides. Much thanks to whoever is still around! So my question is, are there still many lurkers that frequent these forums or are those days long gone? In other words, will my quest take me through old documents and sometimes outdated advice... or might I find a wandering minstrel or two that might offer their recent (or older) tales of experience? And on the flip side, will there be anyone to listen to the exploits of an aging adventurer?

Also, it seems that I have read a couple of posts regarding another possible expansion, and while I am very early in my journey, just getting to know Savage Crossing, I am curious for a couple of reasons. If so, I can assume that such content will breathe new life into these boards, and this community will grow. And of course, new lands to explore are always welcome.

So with that, I will move along and check back regularly to meet the locals, and perhaps share my own journey, if the interest exists. I look forward to meeting others like myself who might enjoy a stout drink and tale of adventure.

I hope to meet you along the path,


I will listen :-)

Some of the information on the boards is indeed a bit outdated, but you should find enough to guide you through this evil creation of my ill mind :-p

kind regards

Couldn't have asked for a better response! Thanks for the encouragement, I'll keep you posted!


I stopped back by the board on a whim a few weeks ago and was delighted to find some new adventurers with questions I could help with. Some of the questions inspired me to start the game over! Right now I'm in the Bandit's Cave, delving into its deeper mysteries and ready to finish it and head east.

In other words, I'm hanging out here as well and remembering answers I had forgotten, so feel free to ask or comment.
