Unusual choice for a dragoncaster? - ID: 1478

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Visstar on 12/05/2017, 17:09:16

Somewhere in the Silver Mountains, it became clear I was going to have to create a dragoncaster, since I was running out of space other than the Planes to explore. I read up a little on Dragoncasters, and opinions varied, but the consensus seemed to be that a rogue was the best choice. As I wrote elsewhere, every choice seemed to be a bad one.

<URL url="http://silversword-rpg.com/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1409&start=10#p5928">[[<LINK_TEXT text="http://silversword-rpg.com/phpbb3/viewt ... t=10#p5928">http://silversword-rpg.com/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1409&start=10#p5928</LINK_TEXT>]]</URL>

But I had to choose, and of course the Paladin and Archmages were already ruled out. So after a save, I started converting characters and quickly ruled out the Bard, since the Horn of Sodar is the best offensive weapon I have, and Rogue, since she is so deadly with her bow and was only at 10% thief mastery and still needed lock picks, which Dragoncasters cannot use.

When I realized that my Warrior could still use the Silversword after conversion, that's what I did. So I may have the only barbarian Dragoncaster around. 8-)

In retrospect, I should have tried out the Monk as DC for a while. I forgot how quickly converted characters gain levels, and my Monk's only weakness, hit points, could have been alleviated somewhat with 15 fairly quick levelups. But I'm fairly happy with my barbarian Dragoncaster, aside from the decreased offense. Perhaps I'll convert the Monk and try playing with two DCs.

Quote from Author: Visstar
When I realized that my Warrior could still use the Silversword after conversion, that's what I did. So I may have the only barbarian Dragoncaster around. 8-)

In retrospect, I should have tried out the Monk as DC for a while. I forgot how quickly converted characters gain levels, and my Monk's only weakness, hit points, could have been alleviated somewhat with 15 fairly quick levelups. But I'm fairly happy with my barbarian Dragoncaster, aside from the decreased offense. Perhaps I'll convert the Monk and try playing with two DCs.

Warrior seems like a pretty decent choice for a Dragoncaller. They have no spells to lose, they keep their extra attacks (they *DO* keep extra attacks, right?) which can produce plenty of close range damage with DC weapons, and they have beefy hit points from their Warrior levels that just get beefier as they start leveling as DC.

I'm not sure how viable the Monk would be. Monks have basically no equipment options to lose, but I'm not sure how much they keep of their Monk abilities. Do they keep the bonus unarmed damage? Their a godzillion melee attacks? Their AC bonus? How about their Chain Attack skill? For every other class, I think I have a pretty solid understanding of how well suited they are to DC - Hunter, Rogue, and Warrior good, Bard and Paladin bad. Monk, I have no idea.

So when you get the chance, let me know.

Monks and warriors both make pretty good DCs for crit immune creatures... Try some of the longer range DC weapons? I havent played a DC since monk got chain attack... If they keep it that would make them pretty awesome DCs...

The theif is best with hide mastery up to 90' (use it constantly to level it, even when it's no benefit in battle iirc) to replace the loss of range from the bow, which is why they are superior to hunters as DCs... I'm still holding out hope for the Hunter to gain a 'hunt' skill to track mosters easier. ;) Mario is busy, but he's pretty great. :D

Having DCs (plural) to heal constantly and bards to spirit chant makes those nasty traps way easier. Getting enough good bows besides the dra... is sometimes hard to give all the bards crit. Singing swords and knuckle dusters are great and all, but lack range for back row bards and other characters classes hit way harder in the front.

Ymmv - I haven't played the expansion again yet since I started my new game.

Warriors do keep their multiple attacks after conversion. My DC is in the front line wielding the Silversword to great effect. (He and my rogue are the only two characters who can kill an Aerial Warrior.)

I just tried converting a monk and reverted very quickly. She kept her multiple attacks, but without the knuckleduster she was only doing a few hundred HP of damage and never killed anything in a couple of dozen battles, so I don't know if she kept her chained attacks. I tend to doubt it. And she lost about 60 points of AC. No thanks.