Swift? - ID: 1374

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Wascalwywabbit on 18/05/2015, 12:19:41

Do you have any plans of transitioning to Swift frm obj_c?

Looking briefly at both as a bit of a layman, swift looks easier to maintain and extend the game relatively bug free, but maybe ur existing code base and exp. with objective c dictates otherwise?

Also you thought about any IP licensing? By that I mean both of ur work (u mentioned a possible toolkit for the game for new works by others at some point iirc), and also others IP for ur use in future projects...I am given to understand both Games Workshop and Wizards (of the coast) are more open to low to no capital indy devs using their IP than in the past...


no plans here.

Bugs don't come from using certain languages, but from not using them correctly in my experience ;-)
(Can say that because I'm working as a project manager in a software development company)

I don't see any need of doing IP licensing. What advantages do you see?

kind regards

Maybe it's because I only am looking into programming a bit here and there that causes me to feel swift looks more usable for syntax and coding practice, it's eaiser for me to begin to grasp conceptually so far any way. I mean I'm not even a script kiddie, but your game has got me curious for the first time in any serious way since being an adult...

On the IP front regarding your IP, your basic game design is generally more compelling to me than others I've seen, at least in the mobile space. I think there's room for it being an add in the mobile space for new creative endeavors, maybe my own if I can wrap my head around the scripting and writing aspects at some point... I also think your choices could make great tower defense system, rogue-like, more exploraration/narrative and tactical board/arena combat games.

Other's IP being used for a silver sword engine game seem to me like theming and advertising all in one for the cost of royalties to the IP holder. E.g. I have nostalgia for some D&D & Ive always want to try Warhammer 40k... I don't think I'm alone, but that type of licensing may not be a good fit for you; just asking about your thoughts.

Edit: The gfx and sound assets you can get thru an IP agreements can easily be worth the effort in some cases I've seen especially too.

Quote from Author: Wascalwywabbit
Maybe it's because I only am looking into programming a bit here and there that causes me to feel swift looks more usable for syntax and coding practice, it's eaiser for me to begin to grasp conceptually so far any way. I mean I'm not even a script kiddie, but your game has got me curious for the first time in any serious way since being an adult...

Being an IT trainer, this makes me very happy to hear :-)

Silversword uses many different concepts and approaches... it covers nearly 100,000 lines of code so far - in addition to all the scripts that are placed on the maps. I strongly encourage you to take your own approach to developing applications. Start with anything that you are eager to do. Make the most simple hack & slash game one can imagine: some attributes, random number generator = dice rolls, and random monsters (a monster is nothing more than a name with some values (health points etc.)) and let the user have different options.
Then begin to enhance the whole experience. If you manage this - and are still ambitious, you might try more complicated techniques (load / save game, spellcasting...).

<QUOTE>[quote] On the IP front regarding your IP, your basic game design is generally more compelling to me than others I've seen, at least in the mobile space. I think there's room for it being an add in the mobile space for new creative endeavors, maybe my own if I can wrap my head around the scripting and writing aspects at some point... I also think your choices could make great tower defense system, rogue-like, more exploraration/narrative and tactical board/arena combat games.

Other's IP being used for a silver sword engine game seem to me like theming and advertising all in one for the cost of royalties to the IP holder. E.g. I have nostalgia for some D&D & Ive always want to try Warhammer 40k... I don't think I'm alone, but that type of licensing may not be a good fit for you; just asking about your thoughts.

I did like the Forgotten Realms Construction Set and The Bard's Tale Construction Set. These were the predecessors of modern game engines, and they had all you needed to create a full blown RPG. It would be a blast to have a generic "Silversword Engine" that could be the basis of different other games...

but (you know, there is a big "but")... despite all the great feedback I get from you (all fans of the game), I don't have the motivation to push this whole thing further. My intention was (repeating myself now) to play The Bard's Tale (or at least a game that gets very close) on my mobile device. There was none - so I wrote it. Quest fulfilled. There ain't no more gap/niche that I need to fill in the gaming market, I have all that I ever wanted.

I have TONS of ideas for great games, and the Silversword 2 demo is already playable (you can even spend your combat experience points to improve your skills), but it probably won't be finished, because there are tons of games out there that already give you everything you may demand from such a game (Ravensword e.g.).

And remember, Brian Fargo announced a "Bard's Tale IV" ;-)

These are my thoughts, and I am sorry that I can't promise anything more than trying to enhance Silversword a little bit further and eventually add some new content (although this may take some time)...

kind regards