Famous last words... Just for fun. - ID: 1368

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Wascalwywabbit on 23/04/2015, 02:25:38

Famous last words... Just for fun.

Some are outside the genre, but I thought this could be a thread of amusing and maybe poignant last words.

I wonder what dragon tastes like.

Ow ow ow.

Do you smell something strange?


I'm invincible!

What could go wrong?

Maybe we can sneak past...

This looks like a good place to camp for the night.

We come seeking treasure.

Ah, now I see.

Shh, I think I heard something.

I didn't even get a chance to marry...

I can take him.

This foe looks puny.

Your mother!

We won!

Victory is ours!

My helmet feels tight...

The water smells foul, but I don't wanna die of thirst...

I... can't... breathe.

Cough cough wheeze

Carpe diem! ...The diem carpe'd me...

Necromancer you say?

So many rats...

Uh oh, the master will not be pleased...

I shall be king!

Greetings, noble orc friends!

I’ll pull the lever.

(Got this ‘Famous Last words’ quote when I got murdered by the earth elemental at the entrance of Grave Mound.)

Yeah, my first time in the Grave round was a disaster, too. I was like:

Ah, a grave mound! Finally, a safe, peaceful place with no monsters! :lol:

Leeerroooy Jeennkins! :o