Somewhere between... - ID: 1361

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Wascalwywabbit on 08/04/2015, 21:12:25

5th new game, somewhere between the shard of creation and Water Top... I make it further each time... Please forgive my ever expanding regard and concern for the game. It is currently my brain training of choice by far to remedy some of the mind fog that goes with my chronic illness(es), and has helped me a marked amount in that regard so thank you again for the fun and challenge...

Item drops seem to be mostly right now...

I don't get a lot of junk, but personally could use a few less low level horns and a couple more combat wands. The rogue is still useless except where essential at low-mid level (stupid force prevention magic chests with essential items get me down) :-/ - so more combat wands would help. Maybe add 'horn of the tribunal' (odin's court) and 'horn of thunder' (lightning strike) in the future to replace half of those wimpier horns...

Also seeing some zen gloves and ninja suit drops every once in a great while would be nice, they are not big enough buff to have not reached them imo? Do they still exist in game?... Knuckle dusters too for a bard, rogue and monk all is quite rare so far for me - 3 so far total in all my games (granted I didn't get too far in the expansion last before teleports argh!) I could use double sooner...

Giant weight is still useless except as a 'ring or power' before it too is replaced by 'ring(s) of destruction'. It has less range (and area) and the same approximate damage for the same or more sp cost as hailstorm and mind blade. Maybe make it cost 8 - closer to electrify (one more damage the other more range) or better yet make the damage raise with caster level - 25 per caster level or the like, it does have very short range (10') after all...

Spells, oh the wonders...

Early level heals should raise with levels if that is possible or appropriate to you... I never use them more than a couple times for a whole game, because they don't level with you and items don't use your caster's sp and alchemy doesn't use item slots either (though getting a lucky buy of ingredients at water top isn't to be relied upon)...

My thoughts: quick fix, 8 plus d2 per level; word of healing, 1d6 per level; phlebotomy/blessing of regimus 1d10 per level...

The 70' single creature attack spells are also in desperate need of leveling power...

A 90' single creature attack is also needed in the future inmo. My vote, 'void beast' This dark spell opens a cack in the void just long enough to have whatever horrible beast lurks there lash out at a single opponent with its forsaken jagged tentacles...

Summoning spells could use having multiples of the same type in a single char. slot i.e. mobs. They are mostly dead to me without that sort of feature. I may experiment in the future though.

Could use more buffs in the expansion, maybe 'titanic strength' as an über form of giant strength. Also Sodar's Might for Paladin's- like blessing/shield but for strength/damage

Soften flesh should do damage to earthen beasts; quarries, living rocks, earth elementals etc. also in that vain, 'holy light' spell for paladin (maybe given by brother rectus) casts daylight outside of combat, in combat does damage to demonic and undead. -just a thought...

Maybe it's the way I play, but the best grind for me before jokob sprenger is always the ridge fault. Given the superior item drops at ridge fault, I wonder if this is meant? It seems outside of the curve. The grave mound is ok, but too inconvenient to go into and out to level, and the land around savage crossing insufficient for me to attain a level high enough to battle my way to mr. Sprenger without a lot of drudgery. So for me it's grove guardians then ridge fault every time... :-/ I beat 100 mountain dwellers and their king with just giant strength and low paladin buffs (+3) on fighters and father foe and hail storms for casters this time, and before that 4 monks and 3 hunters not too high a level - they couldn't hit my monk's ac... While battling my way to mr. Spenger is way more difficult, but less fruitful item wise until paradosa generally. :-/ Bandit's cave sems a bit too tough and ridge fault a wee bit easy, though convenient for me is the latter...

I have a ton more thoughts, but that's it for now.

Double thanks.

Edits added below...

I meant Up To 25 per lvl, i.e. 1-25 or 4d5 per lvl, or somewhere in there for giant weight, 25 per lvl outright is way too much.

Also maybe 'the pit of despare', makes the char. 'Only mostly dead') Princess Bride anyone? ;) for a more power single creature spell instead of void beast. As alway I'm fine with whatever you come up with too. :) -I'm currently getting a better handle on why you chose alchemy as you did, so that will keep me busy for a bit, tho I'd still prefer having the weaker parts of it in the base game, to save a bit of the worst early-mid lvl grind support and warrior heavy parties. Maybe with one or two traveling merchants that work like the water top shop, but you have to find them again every couple of days...

Finally got a ninja suit drop (castle artonsa), and found them in water top shop along with knuckle dusters finally too. Just took more reloads than I was anticipating. Still no zen gloves tho...