Let me count the ways - ID: 1347

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Tarbaby on 13/02/2015, 14:52:57

I would have been here sooner had there been a way to know the name of the island for registry purposes. I imagine there would be possibly 100 times more players here if it was easier to register.

  Great game! A favorite old Genre of mine.  why do I like it so much? Let me count the ways:

Attention to detail, creative objects and scenarios, unique objects,, Great Bard songs,utilizes voice over and touch screen (which I need since I am 99% blind),specific non- generic characters as they grow,magnificent specialized weapons and magical objects,and intricate multifaceted scenario,very flexible and open ended,…… can't say enough good things! Masterful job!

I forgot to mention one of the most stunning yet subtleartistic touches, the myriads ambient sounds and noises!Gravel crunching underfoot in rock quarries, creatures buzzing and chirrpping in the swamps, seagulls mournful call in the harbor area,The wind whistling in the high ridges,snorts and ggrunts of bears and animals, the howling of wolves at midnight… And much more. Expertly done, understated and eerily compelling. Wunderbar!

Thank you very much for your kind words!
I really appreciate it and I will keep on listening to your requests and try to enhance the game.

Best wishes